Friday, October 3, 2008
Th spin is on today as each presidential campaign is touting the good points of its V.P. candidate’s performance last night. In their first and only debate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Delaware Senator Joe Biden came out swinging in St. Louis. As in the first presidential debate, there was no knockout, but each candidate landed some pretty good shots. And more […]
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It’s not unusual for a well-known author to join forces with another writer for a book. Nevertheless, New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz took this approach to another level when he decided to take a look at the world through the dog eyes of his beloved, Trixie. First came “Life is Good! Lessons in Joyful Living, ” by Koontz and Trixie, in 2004. Then book […]
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Closing arguments are expected today in the O.J. Simpson armed robbery/kidnapping trial. Yesterday defense witness, Tom Scotto, testified that two of Simpson’s cohorts tried to extort $50 thousand out of him. Scotto pointed the finger at Michael McClinton and Walter Alexander who have admitted carrying weapons to an alleged raid on two sports memorabilia dealers in a Vegas hotel room in September of 2007. […]
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A major development in the investigation of that disastrous crash of a Metrolink commuter train and a Union Pacific freight train in Chatsworth last month. According to a report released today by the National Transportation Safety Board, the engineer of the Metrolink train was text messaging while on duty — and sent one message 22 seconds before the fatal collision. […]
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Google image Millions of people tuned in to watch last Friday’s presidential debate between Senators Barack Obama and John McCain. How many? The debate at the University of Mississippi drew 54.4 million viewers, according to the Nielsen ratings. That’s about 16 percent less than the first debate between President George Bush and Senator John Kerry in 2004. Still, the most watched presidential debate remains […]
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The stock market rallied several hundred points today, after yesterday’s historic plunge on Wall Street. Monday, stocks dropped 778 points or 7 percent. The biggest point loss ever. Also, the biggest percentage loss since September 17, 2001, the first day of trading after the deadly September 11 terrorist attacks. The meltdown started when it became clear the highly touted $700 billion financial bailout for […]
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Google file image/O.J. signs a jersey. O.J. Simpson’s armed robbery/kidnapping trial in Las Vegas is on hold today — in observance of Rosh Hashanah, the celebration of the Jewish new year. Yesterday, witness Michael McClinton continued his testimony which began last Friday. McClinton is the Simpson accomplice accused of brandishing a gun in a Vegas hotel room during a confrontation with […]
Monday, September 29, 2008
Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is the subject of yet another new book. This one is called “Say It Like Obama: The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision.” The author is Shel Leanne, a corporate leadership executive and former Harvard University instructor. In the book, Leanne uses examples from Obama’s speeches to explain the art of persuasion, the power of […]
Monday, September 29, 2008
Presidential candidates and Senators Barack Obama and John McCain are back on the campaign trail today after verbally duking it out at the University of Mississippi last Friday. When the 90 minute debate was over, both candidates were still standing and neither had suffered any major bruising or gaffes. Many observers were disappointed by this. I was not. Over the weekend, another debate followed. Who won? A new […]