Fronnie Lewis

Monday, August 10, 2020

Rent control to be on the November ballot in Burbank

A controversial rent control ordinance is headed for the November 3 General Election ballot in Burbank. Caught between a rock and a hard place, the Burbank City Council last Friday, August 7, voted unanimously to let the voters decide the future of rent control. The council members took this action grudgingly, while complaining of dire consequences if the measure passes. […]
Friday, August 7, 2020

Burbank city council race 2020 off to a fast start

Some candidates for the Burbank City Council are off to a fast start. Yard signs are popping up. And fundraising is in full swing. Officially the race for two seats on the council began on May 3, 2020, when potential candidates were allowed to begin fundraising. Next, the nomination period opened on July 13, 2020 and is scheduled to close […]
Saturday, July 18, 2020

John Lewis 1940 – 2020

John Lewis died yesterday at the age of 80. He was a crusader for civil rights and voting rights. Continue his fight. Stand up for what is right. And vote , not only at the national and state level, but locally. That will honor his legacy and make our America better and stronger.
Monday, June 1, 2020

Curfew in Burbank and businesses take action

A curfew goes into effect in Burbank at 5 p.m. until 6 a.m. today and many businesses are taking action. Some, like the Apple computer specialist, MelroseMac, 2400 West Olive Avenue, are boarding up doors and windows preparing for the worst. Before the City of Burbank issued the order for a 5 p.m. curfew, plenty of chatter on social media […]
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Burbank COVID-19 update For Monday, March 23

The latest Burbank COVID-19 update for Monday, March 23, has new information. In it, Mayor, Sharon Springer, talks about the newest restrictions added to the “Safer at Home” order. The Los Angeles County Health Department issued that order. A summary and link to that order is here. Also, Mayor Springer announced the closure of hiking trails, gives reminders on what […]
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coronavirus outbreak update from Burbank

On Friday, March 20, Burbank Mayor Sharon Springer recorded another coronavirus outbreak update for residents. In this video, Springer talks about the “Safer at Home” order from the State of California and the Los Angeles County Health Department. Also, the mayor explains what you can do and what you cannot do under the new tighter restrictions.
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Burbank water and power rate increase suspended

Some good news for Burbankers. The recently proposed Burbank Water and Power rate increase has been suspended. Last Thursday, March 19, city officials made the decision due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. Mayor Sharon Springer has more on that and an alert for residents to be on the lookout for scammers during this difficult time.