Fronnie Lewis

Monday, April 21, 2014

City Buzz: Issues in Burbank Police and Fire Headquarters

There are growing concerns about some simmering issues in the Burbank Police and Fire Headquarters. This time around they do not involve the police mess — which still hangs over the BPD.  Instead, one of the issues deals with the building itself and the other, tension between the two city departments which share the building: police and fire. Roaches in […]
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring Egg-Stravaganza “a fun Burbank event”

The Spring Egg-Stravaganza “a fun Burbank event.” That is how Judie Wilke, Park, Recreation and Community Services director, summed up the festivities in McCambridge Park yesterday. As for the new rules, Wilke says they “controlled things” better and that “no one was turned away.” She says a complete analysis would have to be done later to determine if the event ran […]
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter egg hunts in Burbank

A lot folks were out at the Easter egg hunts in Burbank.  The hunts were the big draw at the Spring Egg-Stravaganza this morning. The event was held in McCambridge Park 1515 North Glenoaks Boulevard. Overall, the crowds did not appear to be as large as they were at the Spring Egg-Stravaganza last year. This may be due to the new rules or […]
Saturday, April 19, 2014

ARTS Festival in Downtown Burbank this weekend

A  variety of talent will be showcased at the spring ARTS Festival in Downtown Burbank this weekend. The main section of the festival will stretch along San Fernando Boulevard between Angeleno Avenue and Magnolia Boulevard. Art lovers will see the works of painters– canvas and street, sculptors, photographers and there’s more. For the first time, festival organizers will present an “… entire […]
Friday, April 18, 2014

Confusion surrounding Burbank’s Spring Egg-Stravaganza 2014

 There’s confusion surrounding Burbank’s Spring Egg-Stravaganza 2014. The long time tradition is scheduled to get underway tomorrow, April 19, 9.a.m-noon at McCambridge Park 1515 North Glenoaks Boulevard. No publicity blitz for this event. City staffers have depended mostly on announcements at city council meetings and promotion on the city website. Originally, the city site had only a link to a fast-talking You […]
Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday

  Good Friday. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” NIV  
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dodgers outfielder Yasiel Puig’s shady past comes to light

Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Yasiel Puig’s shady past comes to light in the media. We now have a better understanding of why the Dodgers Cuban-born shining star has refused to talk about his arrival in the U.S. It’s pretty scary stuff, according to a Los Angeles Magazine investigative piece last Sunday, (picked up by other media)  and now a similar exposé […]