Fronnie Lewis

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bill Cosby to face sexual assault charges in court

One of at least 50 women who have accused veteran comedian Bill Cosby of a series of offenses, from drugging to rape, will get her day in court. Yesterday, Cosby was arraigned in a Pennsylvania court and now faces several charges in connection with a 2004 case. Cosby is free on a million dollar bail. This is the first time […]
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Former “Glee” star Mark Salling facing child porn charges

The year is ending on a sour note for a former star of the hit TV series “Glee.” Mark Salling, who played bad boy  Noah “Puck” Puckerman, on the comedy/musical is facing charges of possession of child pornography. Salling was arrested yesterday at his home in nearby by Sunland and is now out on bail. A tip led to the […]
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Burbank PD needs help in finding sexual assault suspect

Burbank Police are asking for the public’s help in finding a sexual assault suspect who allegedly groped a 12 year-old girl, at the Target in the Burbank Empire Center, earlier this month. The alleged attack occurred on Sunday, December 13, around 4:15 p.m. The girl was” with her mother, when the suspect walked up to her and squeezed her buttocks.  The […]
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Talk of the Town: Mark Scott’s holiday surprise

Burbank City Manager, Mark Scott, has the town buzzing again. Actually the dust of confusion and shock has not really settled from   Scott’s abrupt resignation last month, uh, he changed it to retirement, no wait, it’s now apparently back to resignation! Last Monday, the San Bernardino Sun reported Scott would be the “city’s interim manager beginning Feb. 8.” The news […]
Friday, December 18, 2015

Envelope with suspicious powder mailed to Burbank Police

Some drama at Burbank Police headquarters in Downtown Burbank today. An employee opened an envelope addressed to the department at around 2:30 p.m. this afternoon and “noticed a white powder inside,” according to a news release. The administrative offices of the BPD building were cordoned off and the Burbank Fire Department reportedly responded with a hazmat team. A Los Angeles Sheriff’s […]
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

550 Holiday Baskets delivered, more than 100 bikes needed

Around 550 families are enjoying some holiday cheer thanks to a huge effort by hundreds of volunteers in Burbank. Last Saturday from a staging area at George Washington Elementary School over on North Lincoln Street, weeks of food collection and donations culminated with the delivered of Holiday Baskets to eligible families with children. Earlier this week at the Burbank City Council […]
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Seven utility boxes in Burbank get creative paint jobs

Have you noticed several utility boxes in Burbank have been turned into original art pieces? A call went out last summer for seven artists to showcase their talent on seven utility boxes under the theme, “Just Imagine.” Artist, Jennifer Turnbull, was selected to work her magic on the utility box on Beachwood Drive between Verdugo and Olive Avenues. It was […]
Monday, December 7, 2015

Bikes urgently needed for Burbank Holiday Basket Program

An urgent call went out in Burbank today for 150 bicycles for some hopeful kids. Former Burbank City Council member/volunteer, Dave Golonski, made the plea at today’s Burbank Coordinating Council meeting/luncheon at the Little White Chapel on North Avon Street here in B-town. During an update on the annual Holiday Basket Program, Golonski announced the BCC had received requests for […]