Fronnie Lewis

Monday, July 28, 2014

State agency conducts vehicle inspections in Burbank

The Bureau of Automotive Repair conducted several hours of vehicle inspections or an emission survey, on West Olive Avenue between South Virginia Avenue and North Lomita Street in Burbank today. BAR performs the surveys “…in the areas of the state with the poorest air quality,” according to the agency’s website. Mike Piercy, part of the BAR team in Burbank today, […]
Monday, July 28, 2014

Car crashes in front of Porto’s in Burbank

Some scary moments in front of Porto’s Bakery and Cafe in Burbank this morning. A light tan sedan slammed into a traffic signal light pole a few feet from the entrance of the very busy establishment. The investigating Burbank Police officer says the driver was “coming from some medical appointment” and “apparently passed out .” It happened just as the […]
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Demonstrators continue the protest against Hobby Lobby

Demonstrators returned to Hobby Lobby in Burbank yesterday in small but determined numbers.They are protesting the  recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, which allows the giant crafts and home decor retailer to refuse to cover certain forms of  female birth control in its employee health insurance plan because of the religious beliefs of the owners. The controversial high court decision allows […]
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Burbank residents face mandatory water restrictions and utility rate hikes

As the summer temperatures soar into the 90s, Burbank residents are being pressured to cutback on water. Last January, Governor Jerry Brown declared a Drought State of Emergency after three extremely dry years. The governor’s order called for “… Californians to reduce their water usage by 20 percent.” Earlier this month, the California State Water Board reportedly adopted emergency regulations requiring […]
Friday, July 25, 2014

Talk of the Town: A stare-down at Burbank City Hall ends

The stare-down between the Burbank City Attorneys Association and the Burbank City Council is over. The association blinked. City Hall sent out a news release yesterday saying: “Representatives of the BCAA advised the City Manager by letter on July 17, 2014, that their group is disbanding effective immediately and is withdrawing a lawsuit and several complaints with the Public Employees Relations Board […]
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Working in the heat in Burbank

It’s a hot one in Burbank today. By noon, the temperature was in the 90s. While the lucky ones got to work inside air-conditioned buildings, others had to be outside, like the two guys I saw tearing off a roof in the 300 block of South Mariposa Street this morning. Despite the blazing sun, a Burbank Public Works crew repairing […]
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Facebook delivers a smackdown on its critics

Naysayers heaped a lot of criticism on the social media giant Facebook when it went public in May of 2012 with an initial public offering of $38 a share. The stock fluctuated and that open the door for critics to slam the decision to go public and doubt the value of the number one social network. Now Facebook has smackdown […]
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Temperatures starting to sizzle in Burbank

  Temperatures are starting to sizzle in Burbank and throughout the Southland today. By 10 a.m. this morning, it was 81 degrees in the Media City. Since then, the temperature has climbed into the 90s.  At 2 p.m, it’s 87 in West Hollywood, 82 at Venice Beach, and nearing 100 in Lancaster. The hot temperatures are expected to linger through […]
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

NAACP makes a deal for more African American franchise owners

NAACP is partnering with the parent company of Baskin-Robbins and Dunkin’ Donuts to increase the number of franchises owned by African Americans. Today the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People announced an agreement with Dunkin’ Brands Inc. to create the Diversity Franchising Initiative, according to a posting on Dunkin’ Brands website. “Franchising can be a powerful economic tool that […]