Fronnie Lewis

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why “Pacific Rim” got defeated by “Despicable Me 2” at the box office

As the final numbers for the weekend show, “Despicable Me 2” is still king of the domestic box office. The new big budget sci-fic actioner, “Pacific Rim” had a fan base and good reviews, but still lost steam before the weekend was over. ‘Pacific Rim”had to settle for third, behind the poorly reviewed “Grown Ups 2.” What happened? Perhaps moviegoers […]
Sunday, July 14, 2013

“Despicable Me 2” beating “Grown Ups 2” and “Pacific Rim”

  The animated juggernaut, “Despicable Me 2,” is refusing to give up its title as the number one film in the U.S.  Two new contenders, “Grown Ups 2” and “Pacific Rim” put up a fight — but “Despicable Me” appears to be headed for the winner’s circle for the second week in a row. “Despicable Me 2” brought in an […]
Friday, July 12, 2013

City Buzz: Plastic carryout bags banned in Glendale. Is Burbank next?

Forget your reusable grocery bag and you’re going to pay extra to get a carryout sack for your purchases at some retailers in nearby Glendale now. It’s part of a strict plastic bag ban ordinance, which is being rolled out in two stages. The new ordinance is listed on the City of Glendale website. Here’s the first phase: “Beginning July […]
Friday, July 12, 2013

“Grown Ups 2” opens with poor reviews but better than expected performance

“Grown Ups 2” is apparently not for the mature nor anyone looking for anything but a weak story filled with bad jokes. The film is getting slammed by many reviewers including Claudia Puig over on USA Today. The first “Grown Ups” earned $162 million at the box office back in 2010. Despite the bad reviews, apparently a lot of moviegoers […]
Friday, July 12, 2013

Photo Shot: Popular Southland hot spot

The Olvera Street marketplace in Downtown Los Angeles is always a festive spot to visit — even on hot summer days. A lot of things to see, nice restaurants to eat in, and if you are lucky, free entertainment by street musicians.
Monday, July 8, 2013

Another big budget box office flop for Disney?

It looks like the executives at Disney have another supersized dud at the box office to explain. Universal’s “Despicable Me 2” owned the 4th of July weekend and scooped up an amazing $83.5 million in its debut, while Disney’s “The Lone Ranger” opened far behind with only $29.2 million. There’s chatter around town that Disney may have another big budget […]
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Talk of the Town: Dwight Howard turns his back on the Lakers

After one season of less than dazzling play center, Dwight Howard, is saying bye-bye to the Lakers and its fans. For weeks, there has been a lot of chatter about Howard and what he might do once he became a free agent on July first. Would he re-sign with the Lakers or go elsewhere? Last night, it became official:  Howard […]
Friday, July 5, 2013

Weather change: Overcast skies and a chance of rain

  A change in the weather for Burbank and much of the Southland today. Sure there will be sunshine, but cloudy skies and cooler temps as well. In fact, there’s a 20 per cent chance isolated storms in the Media City. The high in B-town today– somewhere in the low 80s. Definitely better than the scorching triple digits of the […]
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

  It’s Fourth of July. A birthday celebration for the USA and the American way of life like freedom, fireworks, hot dogs and BBQ! The Starlight Bowl in Burbank is continuing its holiday tradition by offering its “4th of July Spectacular” with entertainment and fireworks. The grass seats are sold out but, as of this morning, there were still other […]