Jean Youn

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jean Youn: Goose Dads

It seems that some of my customers really like geese. I noticed that some of them like goose designs on their shirts or pants. Today I would like to share with you a story about geese. In Korea, there is a title called ‘goose dad.’ This isn’t talking about the leader in a flock of geese flying in V formation. […]
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jean Youn on autumn and the joys of letter writing

The day time is a little shorter now than it was a week or two ago. This past Friday, the day time and night time were of equal lengths. In Korea, this is called chu-boon, while in America it is the autumnal equinox. It is now officially the fall season. This reminds me of a Korean song that talks about […]
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jean Youn’s Tips and Insight: The changing seasons

It seems like it wasn’t that long ago when the flowers were blooming and now the leaves are about to get ready to fall. All the seasons have their own colors. Winter is white, spring is pink, summer is blue, and autumn is brown, and each of the colors of the seasons is beautiful. People are all different colors, too. […]
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jean Youn’s Tips and Insight: Giving thanks

 Tomorrow is a big holiday in Korea. It is called Chu-Seok , and it is the Korean equivalent of America’s Thanksgiving. In Korea, it is a five day long celebration. During Chu-Seok, the first harvests of grains and fruits are prepared and it is day where Koreans give thanks to their ancestors. The seasons in Korea are similar to how it […]
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Guest Blogger: The weather, life, and happy days

There’s a proverb that says that having clear and sunny days all the time creates deserts. Of course everybody wishes to have bright and happy days all the time, but if every single day was like that, we could forget what happiness is. It is natural for there to be rain, snow, wind, thunder, and lightning on some days and […]
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Guest Blogger: New vs. old

Do you like the word ‘new’? Usually, when something is new, it is good. Whether it’s a new item or new thought, it often makes people feel good to have new things. A lot of areas in the United States have the word ‘new’ attached to them, like New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and New Orleans. The […]
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Guest Blogger: The benefits of a few good laughs

When I turn on the news on television, it seems like there’s a lot more bad news than good news. Whether we’re talking about the debt problem we’re having in the US or the riots in England and other problems in Europe, Asia, and Africa, it seems like there’s a lot more bad things going on than there is good. […]
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Guest Blogger: Our children and the American culture

It is almost time for the kids to go back to school. So today, I want to talk about our children. Immigrants like myself with children who were born or grew up in the United States have particular concerns about their children. No matter how hard I try, I could never be as Americanized as my kids. Nevertheless, we desire […]