
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Frutos and Springer lead in early returns for two Burbank City Council seats

Incumbent Bob Frutos and challenger, Sharon Springer, are holding down the top two spots in the early returns for two seats on the Burbank City Council. It was a busy evening at Burbank City Hall last night for election workers. The only race on the ballot, a run-off for the city council seats. The interest in the run-off has been […]
Monday, April 10, 2017

Burbank General Election 2017 ballots, candidates, and controversies

The candidates are heading into the home stretch for tomorrow’s Burbank General Election. This is a mail-in ballot only election with four city council candidates in a run-off for two seats. The contenders are Juan Guillen, Sharon Springer, and council members Dr. David Gordon and Bob Frutos. As of last Friday April 7,  “… approximately 7, 500 ballots, as compared […]
Monday, March 13, 2017

Twitter Chatter: President Donald Trump and Congressman Adam Schiff

  The debate over “repeal and replace” Obamacare:     ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day. — President Trump (@POTUS) March 13, 2017     What @SpeakerRyan leaves out is their plan lowers premiums for young because millions of older Americans […]
Monday, March 13, 2017

Burbank city clerk responds to election questions and concerns

The election taking center stage in Burbank right now is the 2017 General Election. Four candidates are battling it out for two seats on the city council. They are incumbents Dr. David Gordon and Bob Frutos, and challengers Juan Guillen and Sharon Springer. Councilman/Mayor, Jess Talamantes, won re-election in the primary. Nevertheless, there are questions and doubts lingering from the […]
Friday, March 3, 2017

City Clerk releases final results of 2017 Burbank Primary Election

Late today, Burbank City Clerk, Zizette Mullins, released the final results of the 2017 primary election. Per a new Burbank election code, the city clerk’s office could accept mail-in ballots postmarked on or before primary election day, February 28, up until noon on Friday. Mullins says they received  approximately 900 additional ballots, which needed to be processed today. By 10:35 […]
Monday, February 27, 2017

Burbank Primary Election time to get those ballots in

Time is running out to return those 2017 Burbank Primary Election ballots. Burbank City Clerk, Zizette Mullins, says approximately 67,000 ballots were mailed out to registered voters in Burbank. So far the return has been disappointing. As of last Wednesday, 5,800 mail-in ballots had been return. By last Saturday, that number had climbed to 7, 890. In the 2015 Burbank […]
Monday, November 21, 2016

Thanksgiving message from Burbank Councilman Bob Frutos

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday. As we celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends we give thanks for the blessings and the freedom s we enjoy every day.  I am very appreciative of the great opportunity you have given me to serve as one of your Council Members in our great city. I am thankful that […]
Monday, November 21, 2016

Pedestrian injured at controversial intersection in Magnolia Park

An elderly woman was reportedly hit by a black sedan in a Burbank intersection considered to be dangerous by many in Magnolia Park. The accident occurred last Thursday, November 17,  at around 12:30 p.m. at the intersection of Lima Street and Magnolia Boulevard. The accident forced Burbank traffic patrol officers to block off eastbound traffic on Magnolia for a while. […]
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It’s now up to you go vote!

It’s now up to you go vote!  November 8 is Election Day. The polls are open. The ballots and booths are ready. Election 2016 has been a real headache for many voters. The debates, the insults, the lies, the threats — from the ugly, contentious presidential campaign to the boiling controversy over Measure “B”– the replacement terminal proposal for the […]