Saturday, November 21, 2015
There are some indisputable truths in the City Hall drama between the Burbank City Council and City Manager, Mark Scott. The city council hired Scott. They are his bosses. They’ve stood up for Scott from the very beginning. In the face of angry public criticism over Scott’s huge salary and benefit package of around $300,000, each council member publicly declared […]
Friday, November 20, 2015
More drama at city hall in Burbank. Late last night, City Manager, Mark Scott, sent out an email about his plans to retire to City Clerk, Zizette Mullins. After his threat to resign over a vote he did not like at last Monday’s city council meeting, Scott clarified his intentions. He told the Burbank Leader:”I am not resigning,” Scott said […]
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Honoring all who served or are serving in the U.S. military. Thank you! Happy Veterans Day. Here’s a list of freebies, deals, and discounts for veterans.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
A lot of chatter around B-town about the sudden illness and disappearance from public view of Burbank Mayor Bob Frutos. It was because of Frutos’ absence at last Tuesday’s city council meeting that the controversial discussion, and approval, ah, endorsement of the Bob Hope Airport Replacement Terminal Conceptual Term Sheet by council members had to be delayed. (that item was rescheduled […]
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Recently, the Burbank City Council renewed the three-year contract of consultant, Michael Gennaco, of the Office of Independent Review, as an independent monitor of the Burbank Police Department. The cost of Gennaco’s contract, $80,000. In light of the growing tab for the notorious police cases and the BPD’s handling of that nasty incident involving Magnolia Park merchants last August, monitoring […]
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the California Fair Pay Act yesterday, one of the toughest equal pay laws in the country. Brown was surrounded by females, young and old, at the Rosie the Riveter National Historical Park in Richmond, for the signing ceremony. In a news release, the governor said the law is long overdue: “Sixty-six years after passage of […]
Sunday, September 27, 2015
When I took my seat on the Burbank City Council in May I said I wouldn’t engage in the council’s recent practice of using the “Reporting Out” period to announce events attended since the previous council session. Among other reasons, I said – and still believe – the often lengthy readings offer more benefit to the council members than to citizens waiting for the […]
Thursday, September 24, 2015
For months now, there has been chatter around B-town about former Burbank Airport Commissioner, Sue Georgino, and where her true loyalties lie. On the city council agenda tonight, a discussion regarding Georgino’s decision to take a consulting job with the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority less than a year, after resigning her position as a commissioner on that authority representing the interests […]
Friday, September 11, 2015
September 11, 2001. Never forget. Remember the victims and the heroes.