
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Entertainment Bits: Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy, “The Great Gatsby,” and Barbara Walters to retire

Angelina Jolie’s breast cancer decision A lot of chatter on the Internet today about actress Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy. The Academy Award winning actress, best supporting for the 1999 film “Girl, Interrupted,” went public in a New York Times opinion piece about her genetic risk of breast cancer and how that prompted a major decision to take preventative action. Jolie’s […]
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Heat wave returns to Burbank and Southland

A sizzling Sunday in the Southland and according to the forecast it’s just the first of some seriously hot days. The high is expected to reach at least 99 today in Burbank with triple digits predicted through Thursday here.   Yeah, the calendar says it’s fall — but apparently summer is still clinging to the Southland. Get out the sunglasses […]
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Heat watch in the Southland: Cooling centers open in Burbank

The temperatures are soaring in the Southland and that has prompted an excessive heat watch for Los Angeles County. Today in Burbank the high reach 100! The weather is expected to remain very hot with an increase in humidity; these factors will create “… a prolonged period of well above normal and possibly dangerous heat beginning Wednesday and continue through […]
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Burbank opens cooling centers during heat wave

The heat is on in Burbank. At 1 p.m., the thermometer had topped 90 degrees in the Media City. The high today could reach the triple digits! The hot temps are expected to linger for several days. Many residents, especially those without air conditioning, are going to be struggling in this kind of weather. The City of Burbank is providing […]
Monday, July 9, 2012

Lunch at DeBell Clubhouse Grill gets thumbs down review

I joined friends for lunch on the patio of the Clubhouse Grill at the DeBell Golf Club in Burbank yesterday, and it was a big disappointment. The views of the hillsides and golf greens were terrific, but the food and the service were totally sub par. First, our table was dirty and we had to ask the waitress to clean […]
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Labor trouble at Burbank hospital

A noisy picket line on West Alameda Avenue in front of Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank yesterday drew stares from many and horn blasts of support from some motorists. The demonstrators marched, blew whistles, and waved picket signs for several hours. Paul Matakiewicz, chief negotiator for SEIU-UHW, says 80 members took part in the demonstration, which he characterized […]
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Does daydreaming make you smarter?

You might think daydreaming is a waste of time, but according to some new research it can be one of the best ways to pump up your brain power. On The New Yorker website, in an article “The Virtues of Daydreaming,” Jonah Lehrer argues mind-wandering allows those creative and problem solving juices to flow freely. And that’s a good thing. […]
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Michelle Obama’s new book on gardening in America

First Lady Michelle Obama’s passion for healthy eating and gardening are well known. Mrs. Obama shares those passions in her first-ever book , “American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America.” Released by Crown Publishing yesterday, the book is already in the top ten of best selling books on Barnes and Noble and Amazon […]
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Smart meter controversy returns to the Burbank City Council

Coming off a successful public forum in Glendale, local smart meter opponents are turning their attention to tonight’s Burbank City Council meeting. Last Thursday, the Southern California Smart Meter Public Forum at the Glendale Moose Lodge drew 175-200 people, according to one of the organizers and Burbank resident, Kiku Lani Iwata. Also, Iwata is a member of  Burbank Action,  a group that […]