Hollywood Highlights

Sunday, May 2, 2010

“A Nightmare on Elm Street” slashes its way to the top of the Box Office

A familiar scary face, Freddy Krueger, topped the Box Office this weekend. A remake of the 1984 “A Nightmare on Elm Street” debuted red hot — with an estimated $32.2 million — to become the number one film in the country. This fright franchise is apparently very much alive. It now includes 9 slasher films, novels, a TV show, and comic books. In […]
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Jay Leno vs the Prez

                   Photo: Lawrence Jackson/White House — President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama chat with guests, including Comedian Jay Leno, at the White House Press Dinner in Washington, DC,  May 1, 2010 A lot of chatter today about who was funnier last night at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner; “Tonight Show” Host Jay Leno or President Barack Obama. The zingers […]
Sunday, April 25, 2010

“Dragon” beats J-Lo at the Box Office

         Jennifer Lopez looks hot in this movie poster, but her new romantic comedy,”The Back-Up Plan,” could not generate enough heat to slay the “Dragon” at the Box Office. The 3D animation, “How to Train Your Dragon” reclaimed the title of number one movie in the country with an estimated take of $15 million over the weekend. That brings the family adventure fantasy’s five week […]
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Burbank City Buzz

    A candidate in the 43rd State Assembly race bows out Days after a poor showing in that special election for the chance to finish the 43rd State Assembly term of Paul Krekorian, Nayiri Nahabedian has officially dropped out of the race for that seat. Nahabedian’s political consultant Paul Mitchell announced the end of her campaign in an article on The […]
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

“Kick-Ass” wins a slim victory at the Box Office

The final numbers are in — ending the cliffhanger at the Box Office. The new superhero flick, “Kick-Ass,” edged out the animated hit, “How to Train Your Dragon” for bragging rights to the number one film in the country. The action comedy generated $19.8 million in theater ticket sales, below expectations, but still enough to win the Box Office derby. “Kick-Ass” […]
Monday, April 19, 2010

Hollywood Buzz: WME fires employees over a controversial e-mail

Probably a lot of talk and cautious e-mailing in Tinsletown and Media City today about the reported  WME  reprimands and firings over a farewell e-mail sent by an employee. On Deadline.com/Hollywood Nikki Finke posted Marcus Washington’s good-bye to the New York office of William Morris Endeavor on Sunday, April 11, 2010. Apparently the WME management went ballistic and launched a witch hunt for […]
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Burbank City Buzz

A run-off in the 43rd Assembly District race It’s Democrat Mike Gatto against the only Republican on the ballot, Sunder Ramani. I dropped by a couple of polling places in Burbank on Tuesday evening and was told by the poll workers that the turnout was way better than expected.  A small sampling, but it turned out to be right on the […]
Monday, April 12, 2010

“Clash of the Titans” edges out “Date Night” at the Box Office

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday “Date Night” was number one at the Box Office. Today when the actual numbers came out it had slipped to number two. For the second straight week, the sword and scandal actioner, “Clash of the Titans” is the top film in the country after earning $26.6 million over the weekend. “Date Night” is […]
Monday, April 5, 2010

“Clash of the Titans” wins the battle at the Box Office

Moviegoers flocked to theaters to see the exploits of a mythical Greek hero, Perseus, in 3D. “Clash of the Titans,” is a remake of 1981 action fantasy by the same title. No matter, audiences were thrilled to revisit this adventure with its fierce battles and scary monsters. The new version stars Sam Worthington and it debuted with an estimated $61.4 million at the domestic Box […]