
Monday, October 17, 2011

Walmart community meeting today

The long anticipated community meeting with the Walmart is today at 5 p.m. The big retailer is hosting what it calls a “community open house”  at the former site of The Great Indoors, where it intends to open a new Walmart. So what are the plans for this one-stop shopping store?  The Walmart honchos are supposed to reveal those plans at the meeting […]
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Showdown over the Burbank sidewalk controversy

UPDATED 10:30 p.m. :  Despite protests from some residents on North Screenland Drive tonight, the Burbank City Council voted 4-to-1 in favor of the sidewalks. The only “no” vote came from Councilman Dr. David Gordon. The students at Luther Burbank Middle school in Burbank and their safety have become the debating points in the bitter controversy over the installation of sidewalks on nearby […]
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More fallout from another fake memoir

The children’s picture book, “Angel Girl,” is being pulled from store shelves, according to a message on the Lerner Publishing Group website. The company is offering refunds for returns and has put the brakes on all plans for reprints. Lerner officials took the action after Holocaust survivor Herman Rosenblat admitted that part of his so-called true love story was a lie. Since the mid-1990s, Rosenblat has […]