
Monday, March 3, 2025

Taking precautions at anti-Trump protests

  Edwin J. Viera,  producer/reporter, New York News Connection, a bureau of Public News Service.   Demonstrations against President Donald Trump’s actions and policies are erupting from the West Coast to the East Coast. As New Yorkers protest the Trump administration, some groups are advising best practices for protesting. State and national protests are occurring against GOP budget cuts and mass firings of […]
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Anti-Trump marches kick off across the nation this weekend

Mike Moen, reporter/producer, Minnesota News Connection, a bureau of Public News Service.   From the Southland to Minnesota to Washington, D.C., marches will take place this weekend as President-elect Donald Trump nears the start of his second term. An organization specializing in building peace around the globe will have a presence. Nonviolent Peaceforce, which has a location in Minnesota, was […]
Monday, June 1, 2020

Curfew in Burbank and businesses take action

A curfew goes into effect in Burbank at 5 p.m. until 6 a.m. today and many businesses are taking action. Some, like the Apple computer specialist, MelroseMac, 2400 West Olive Avenue, are boarding up doors and windows preparing for the worst. Before the City of Burbank issued the order for a 5 p.m. curfew, plenty of chatter on social media […]
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dueling demonstrations at Burbank Hobby Lobby

The new Hobby Lobby in Burbank was the scene of not one but two demonstrations late yesterday. On the sidewalk, near the entrance to the parking lot, a group of demonstrators gathered with protest signs.They’re upset with the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, which allows Hobby Lobby to opt out of providing certain contraceptives  through the company’s employee health insurance plan. […]
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Labor trouble at Burbank hospital

A noisy picket line on West Alameda Avenue in front of Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank yesterday drew stares from many and horn blasts of support from some motorists. The demonstrators marched, blew whistles, and waved picket signs for several hours. Paul Matakiewicz, chief negotiator for SEIU-UHW, says 80 members took part in the demonstration, which he characterized […]
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Photo Gallery: Demonstration in Burbank

Freelance photographer Terje “Terry” Canavarro caught this demonstration in the Media District of Burbank last Friday, March 30. Canavarro says  the demonstrators were “…a few hundred strong!” The march is one of several held across the nation recently protesting the alleged inequity of the 1% of the wealthiest Americans and the other 99%. SEIU reportedly represents more than 100,00 janitors […]