
Friday, September 19, 2008

Huge anti-Sarah Palin rally in Alaska

                                                                   Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is back on the campaign trail now after taking a break to spend some time in her home state of Alaska. Palin and her husband were cheered by a large crowd of supporters when they arrived in Fairbanks on September 10. For the next few days, Palin would sit down with ABC’s Charles Gibson for her first TV […]
Friday, July 11, 2008

A petition drive underway against FOX

Nearly 100, 000 people reportedly have expressed outrage at FOX for using racism, prejudice, and fear to smear presumed Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama, that’s according to the political action website. The site lists the charges against FOX … “First, a paid FOX commentator accidentally confused “Obama” with “Osama” and then joked on the air about killing Obama. Next, a […]