Saturday, December 7, 2024
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- animals
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- disasters
- drought
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- education
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- environment
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- government
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- News and General Info
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- Politics and Issues
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- weather
- Web Buzz
- Writing Tips
- All
- "
- " movie trailers
- "Fast & Furious"
- "Hunger Games: Catching Fire"
- "Iron Man 3"
- "Iron Man" franchise
- "Jurassic World"
- "Nightly News"
- "The Hobbit
- "The Late Late Show
- "The Man of Steel"
- "Barbie"
- 1-5 freeway
- 2001
- 2011
- 2012
- 2014
- 2014 Winter Olympics
- 2015 Burbank endorsements
- 2024
- 2025 Golden Globes
- 50501 Movement
- 60 Minutes
- 7-Eleven
- 9-11
- 9/11
- A Strong View
- A Writer's View
- ABC News
- Abraham Lincoln
- Academy Awards
- Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
- accidents
- actor
- actors
- actress
- actresses
- advertising
- Afghanistan
- aftershocks
- age
- agencies
- agents
- air travel
- airfare
- airfares
- airlines
- airlines LAX Hawaii American Airlines emergency landing
- airplanes
- airports
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Albertsons
- albums
- alcohol
- alerts
- Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers
- ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
- Altadena
- alternative rock
- Amal Clooney
- Amazon
- AMC Entertainment
- AMC theatres
- American Airlines
- American Federation of Teachers
- American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
- American Film Institute
- American Heart Association
- American Progressive Bag Alliance
- American Red Cross
- Amy Victoria Beck
- Anaheim
- Andy Warhol
- Angeles National Forest
- Angels
- animals
- animation
- Anna Nicole Smith
- anniversary
- announcements
- Annual Care Walk
- Anthem
- Anthony Weiner
- anti-theft programs
- antique shops
- antiques
- Antonio Villaraigosa
- anxiety
- appeals court
- Apple
- applications
- appointments
- apps
- Arcadia
- Arco
- arena football
- Arizona
- Arizona tragedy
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Around the Southland
- arraignment
- arrest
- arrests
- arson
- art
- art festival
- art gallery
- art show
- artists
- arts
- arts festival
- ash
- Assembly bills
- Assemblyman Mike Gatto
- Assemblymember Nick Schultz
- Assistant Library Services Director Melissa Potter
- astronauts
- astronomy
- AT&T
- athletes
- Atlantis
- ATMs
- attack
- attempted robbery
- attractions
- auctions
- auditions
- author
- authors
- auto body shops
- auto industry
- automakers
- autumn
- aviation
- awards
- B-town
- bailout
- bailouts
- bakery
- bald eagle
- Baldwin Park
- ballet
- balloons
- ballot measures
- ballots
- ban
- bands
- bank jugging
- Bank of America
- bankruptcy
- banks
- banners
- bans
- Barack Obama
- Barbara Walters
- Barbra Streisand
- bargains
- barricade
- bars
- baseball
- basketball
- Baskin-Robbins
- Batman
- battleground states
- battleships
- Be Boppin' in the Park
- beaches
- bears
- Beatles
- beauty
- beauty pageants
- beauty school
- beer
- Bel-Air
- Bell
- Ben & Jerry's
- Ben Affleck
- Ben Franklin
- Benderspink
- benefits
- Bernard Madoff
- Bernie Madoff
- bestsellers list
- Betty Grable
- Beverly Hills
- Beverly Hills Police
- Beverly Hills Police Department
- Beyonce
- Bible
- bicycles
- Biden administration
- Big Mama's and Papa's Pizzeria
- bike lane
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Cosby
- bills
- bins
- birds
- birthdays
- birthright citizenship
- Black Friday
- black roses
- Black women
- Blast From the Past
- blogger
- bloggers
- blogging
- blogs
- blood donations
- Blood Moon
- bo
- Bo First Dog
- Bo Obama
- Boar's Head
- Board of Education
- boards
- Bob and Dolores Hope estate
- Bob Frutos
- Bob Hope
- Bob Hope Airport
- Bob Marley
- Bob's Big Boy
- Bobbi Kristina Brown
- bobcats
- body
- body cameras
- bomb squad
- bond measure
- Book Buzz
- book deal
- book deals
- book publishers
- book signings
- books
- books. publishers
- bookstores
- boos
- booze
- Boston bombings
- box office
- box offices
- Boy Scouts
- Boyle Heights
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Burbank & Greater East Valley
- Brand Library
- Brand Park
- Brazil
- break ins
- breakfast
- breast cancer
- Bree Walker
- Bret Hart Elementary
- Brian Williams
- Britain
- British
- British Monarchy
- Broadway
- Bruce Jenner
- Bruno Mars
- brush fires
- Bubank School Board
- Buckingham Palace
- budget
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista Branch Library
- Buena Vista Library
- Burbaank
- Burbank
- Burbank Airport Authority
- Burbank Animal Shelter
- Burbank area
- Burbank Art Association
- Burbank Association of Realtors
- Burbank Central Library
- Burbank Chamber of Commerce
- Burbank City Attorney
- Burbank City Attorney Amy Albano
- Burbank City Attorney's Office
- Burbank City Clerk
- Burbank City Clerk's Office
- Burbank City Council
- Burbank City Council chambers
- Burbank City Council Nick Schultz
- Burbank City Council. Burbank School Board
- Burbank City Councilman Bob Frutos
- Burbank city Councilmember Konstantine Anthony
- Burbank City Councilwoman Emily Gabel-Luddy
- Burbank City Federal Credit Union
- Burbank City Hall
- Burbank City Manager Mark Scott
- Burbank City Treasurer
- Burbank Civil Service Board
- Burbank Ciy Council
- Burbank Community Day School
- Burbank Community YMCA
- Burbank Coordinating Council
- Burbank Coummunity YMCA
- Burbank Council Member Nick Schultz
- Burbank Cultural Arts Commission
- Burbank Democratic Club
- Burbank Elections
- Burbank elections 2015
- Burbank elections 2017
- Burbank Fire Chief
- Burbank Fire Chief Tom Lenahan
- Burbank Fire Department
- Burbank float
- Burbank General Election
- Burbank General Municipal Election
- Burbank High School
- Burbank Human Relations Council
- Burbank Illinois
- Burbank leader
- Burbank Library
- Burbank Mayor Bob Frutos
- Burbank Mayor Dr. David Gordon
- Burbank Mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy
- Burbank Mayor Nick Schultz
- Burbank Media District
- Burbank news
- Burbank On Demand
- Burbank on Parade
- Burbank Parks and Recreation Department
- Burbank Planning Board
- Burbank Police
- Burbank Police Chief
- Burbank Police Chief Michael Albanese
- Burbank Police Commission
- Burbank Police Commissioners
- Burbank Police Department
- Burbank Police Officers Association
- Burbank Primary Election
- Burbank Primary Nominating Election
- Burbank Public Library
- Burbank Recycle Center
- Burbank School Board
- Burbank School Board Steve Frintner
- Burbank Target West
- Burbank Temporary Aid Center
- Burbank Tournament of Roses Association
- Burbank Town Center
- Burbank Traffic Commission
- Burbank Unified School District
- Burbank Unified School District Board
- Burbank Vice Mayor Nikki Perez
- Burbank Village
- Burbank Water and Power
- Burbank YMCA
- Burbank.Media City
- Burbankers
- BurbanknBeyond
- Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
- Bureau of Automotive Repair
- burgers
- burglaries
- burglary
- Business
- business owners
- businesses
- buyback event
- buyers
- buyouts
- CAA agents
- cable
- cable network
- cafes
- Caitlyn Jenner
- Calabasas
- calendar
- calendars
- Calfornia
- California
- California Assembly
- California Attorney General Rob Bonta
- California High-Speed Rail Authority
- California Lottery
- California Police Officers Association
- California Primary
- California State Assembly
- calls
- Caltrans
- campaign '08
- campaign 2010
- campaign 2012
- Campaign 2016
- campaign 2020
- Campaign 2022
- Campaign 2024
- campaign signs
- campaigns
- cancellations
- cancer
- candidate
- candidates
- cannabis
- canned drinks
- Canoga Park
- Captain Mark Kelly
- car accidents
- car shows
- car washi
- Care4All California
- career opportunities
- careers
- Carmenita Helligar
- carre facilities
- carrots
- cars
- cars shows
- Cartoon Network
- cartoons
- Casey Kasem
- Castaway
- casting call
- catalytic converters
- Catherine "Kate" Middleton
- cats
- Cavalia's Odysseo"
- ceasefire deal
- celebity chefs
- celebration
- celebrations
- celebrities
- celebrity chefs
- celebrity stylist
- celestial
- cell phones
- cemeteries
- centennial
- ceremonies
- Challenger
- Chandler Bike Path
- charges
- charity
- Charlie Chaplin
- Charlie Sheen
- Charter
- Chatsworth
- cheerleaders
- chemicals
- Chicago
- Chicago Tribune
- Chick-fil-A
- child molestation
- child pornography
- child predators
- children
- children's books
- Chinese New Year
- Chipotle
- Chris Brown
- Chris Rizzotti
- Christina Pascucci
- Christina Taylor Green
- Christmas
- Christmas carols
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas trees
- Chrysler
- churches
- cigarettes
- cinco de mayo
- Circus Vargas
- cities
- City
- city attorney
- City Buzz
- City Clerk Zizette Mullins
- city council
- city government
- City Hall
- city life
- city manager
- City Manager Mike Flad
- City of Burbank
- City Treasurer
- city view
- civil rights
- classes
- classic cars
- classic vehicles
- Clayton Kershaw
- climate change
- clip art
- clipart
- Clippers
- clocks
- clothing
- clothing lines
- clouds
- cloudy skies
- clutter
- Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival
- coaches
- coalitions
- Coco Gauff
- coffee
- coffee shop
- coffee shops
- coins
- Coke
- Coldwater Canyon Avenue
- collectibles
- college
- college students
- colleges
- Colorado
- coloring
- Columbus Day
- columns
- Comcast
- comedians
- comedy
- comic books
- Comic Con
- comics
- commercials
- commissions
- committees
- community alerts
- community bulletins
- community events
- community meetings
- community views
- community views and letters
- companies
- compost
- compost bins
- composting
- computers
- Conan O'Brien
- concerts
- Confederate flag
- congress
- Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords
- Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
- conservation
- conservatives
- construction
- consumer alerts
- Consumer Reports
- consumers
- contests
- contract talks
- controversies
- controversy
- conventions
- cooking
- cooling centers
- cooling tips
- copper wire theft
- coronavirus
- Costco
- costume designer
- costumes
- Councilman Bob Frutos
- Councilman David Gordon
- Councilman Dr. David Gordon
- Councilman Jess Talamantes
- Councilman Will Rogers
- Councilman/Mayor Dave Golonski
- Councilmember Bob Frutos
- Councilmember Nick Schultz
- Councilmember Sharon Springer
- Counseling4kids
- county
- court case
- court cases
- court drama
- court dramas
- court ruling
- court rulings
- courts
- COVID pandemic
- COVID-19
- Covina
- coyotes
- crash crashes
- credit cards
- Crime
- crime alerts
- crime prevention
- criminal cases
- criminal investigations
- Crumbs Bake Shop
- CSI: Las Vegas
- Cuba
- culture
- cultures
- Culver City
- cupcakes
- curfew
- customs
- Cusumano Real Estate Group
- cyber attacks
- Cyndi Lauper
- Daily Variety
- Dalai Lama
- dance
- data
- dating
- David Nos
- David Piroli
- David Starr Jordan Middle School
- Daylight Saving Time
- Daytime Entertainment Emmy Awards
- DC
- deadlines
- deals
- death investigation
- debate
- debates
- Debbie Allen Dance Academy
- DeBell Golf Club
- Debell Golf Course
- December
- decisions
- declawing
- decorations
- deer
- degrees
- delegates
- democracy
- Democratic National Convention 2012
- Democratic National Convention 2020
- Democratic National Convention 2024
- Democrats
- demonstrations
- dengue
- Denver
- Denver Broncos
- Department of Motor Vehicles
- deportation
- development
- DGA Awards
- Dianne Feinstein
- Dima Otvertchenko Freelance Photographer
- director
- directors
- Directors Guild of America
- disasters
- discounts
- Discovery
- Discovery Channel
- discrimination
- diseases
- dishes
- Disney
- Disney Kingdoms
- Disney-ABC Television Group
- Disneyland
- disputes
- distracted drivers
- diversity
- DNC 2024
- documentaries
- Dodger Stadium
- Dodgers
- Dog Haus
- dog parks
- dogs
- Dolly Parton
- domestic violence
- Domino's
- Donald Sterling
- Donald Trump
- donations
- Donut Prince
- donuts
- Doug Emhoff
- Downtown Burbank
- Downtown Burbank ARTS Festival
- Downtown Los Angeles
- Downtown Post Office
- Dr. Armond Aghakhanian
- Dr. Conrad Murray
- Dr. David Gordon
- Dr. Dre
- Dr. Jane Goodall
- Dr. Jill Biden
- Dr. Lucy Jones
- Dr. Phil
- draws
- dreams
- DreamWorks
- Drew Sugars
- drinks
- driveless vehicles
- drones
- drop off box
- drop-off centers
- drought
- drug bust
- Drug Enforcement Administration
- drug stores
- drugs
- drunk driving
- dry cleaners
- Duarte
- Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
- Dunkin' Donuts
- e-books
- e-mails
- e-publishing
- E.coli
- Eagle Rock
- earnings
- Earth
- Earth Day
- earthquake
- earthquakes
- Earvin "Magic" Johnson
- East Bay
- East Coast
- East San Fernando Valley
- Easter
- Eaton Fire
- eBay
- Ebola
- ebooks
- economy
- editor
- eduation
- education
- educators
- Edwards Air Force Base
- egg hunts
- Egg-Stravaganza
- eggs
- El Nino
- El Segundo
- El Torito
- election
- Election 2024
- Election Buzz
- election day
- election results
- Elections
- electricity
- Elevate Burbank
- Elise Stearns-Niesen
- Elizabeth Edwards
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Ellen DeGeneres
- Elon Musk
- emails
- emergency landings
- Emily Gabel-Luddy
- Emmys
- Empire Center
- Empire Project
- employees
- employers
- employment
- Endeavour
- endorsements
- energy
- entertainer
- entertainers
- entertainers. singers
- Entertainment
- Entertainment Buzz
- entertainmers
- entertainters
- entrepreneurs
- environment
- equal pay
- equal rights
- equality
- Erik Estrada
- erotic romance
- estates
- evacuations
- events
- evictions
- Ex-Congressman Billy Long
- Ex-President Donald Trump
- executive orders
- exercise
- exhibits
- explosion
- explosions
- explosives
- face coverings
- face masks
- fake alerts
- fall
- fall festivals
- fall planting
- family
- Family Promise
- Family Service Agency
- fans
- Fantasy 5
- farmworkers
- fashion
- fashion designer
- Fashion Police
- Fast & Furious 7
- Fast food
- fast food outlets
- fatal collision
- Father's Day
- Federal Communications Commission
- FedEx
- fellowships
- female bikers
- female workers
- Festival of Books
- festivals
- festivals. music
- feuds
- film critic
- film critics
- film deals
- film festivals
- film permit ordinance
- film permits
- film production
- filmmakers
- films
- fims
- finance
- financial aid
- financial crisis
- fines
- Fire
- Fire Service Day
- fireeworks
- firefighters
- fires
- fireworks
- first lady
- First Lady Michelle Obama
- first pitch
- First Presbyterian Church
- flags
- Flappers comedy club
- flash mob
- flims
- floats
- Florida
- florists
- flowers
- flu
- fod
- food
- food additives
- Food and Drug Administration
- food drive
- food festivals
- food giveaway
- Food Groove
- food trucks
- football
- football field
- foothills
- Forbes
- Ford
- Forest Lawn Glendale
- Forever Stamps
- Former President Barack Obama
- Former President Jimmy Carter
- Fort Hood
- forums
- Fourth of July
- Fox Network
- fragrances
- France
- Frank McCourt
- fraud
- fraudsters
- Free Cone Day
- Free services
- freebies
- freeways
- Fresh & Easy
- Friday the 13th
- fruit
- fun stuff
- fundraiser
- fundraisers
- fundraising
- funeral services
- funerals
- fuse
- G-20 Summit
- games
- Gangnam Style
- gangs
- garage sales
- Garden Guru Emilio "Elmo" Telles
- gardening
- gardens
- Garry Marshall
- Gary Bric
- Gary Owens
- gas prices
- gas stations
- gasoline
- gasoline prices
- gasoline princes
- gay marriage
- gay rights
- Gelson's
- General Election
- General Motors
- General Muncipal Election
- General Municipal Election
- generation gaps
- Geo Gallery
- George Clooney
- George Izay Park
- George Stephanopoulos
- George W. Bush
- George Washington
- gift shops
- gifts
- giveaways
- Glendale
- Glendale Church of Chirst
- Glendale Fire Department
- Glendale News-Press
- Glendale Police Department
- Glendora
- Golden Globes
- Golden Mikes
- Golden State
- golf course
- Good Friday
- goody bags
- gophers
- goverment
- government
- governor
- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Governor Jerry Brown
- Governor Tim Walz
- Grace Kelly
- graduates
- graduation
- Grammys
- grand marshal
- Grand View Memorial Park cemetery
- grants
- greetings
- Greg Reyna Freelance Photographer
- Griffith Park
- Griffith Park Observatory
- groceries
- Grocery Outlet
- grocery stores
- guest blogger
- guest bloggers
- guest posts
- guides
- gun locks
- gun safety
- guns
- Gwenna Hunter
- H1N1
- H5 bird flu
- Haagen-Dazs
- Habitat for Humanity
- hackers
- Haggen
- hair salons
- Haiti
- Halle Berry
- Hallmark
- Halloween
- Hamas
- Hancock Park
- handbags
- Happy New Year
- Harley Davidson
- Harris poll
- Harrison ford
- Harry Potter
- Harry S. Truman
- Hate crimes
- haunted houses
- haunts
- Hawaii
- Hayward
- hazmat
- Health
- health alert
- health care
- health insurance
- health insurance reform
- health warning
- hearing
- heat
- heat alert
- heat pumps
- heat record
- heat warning
- Heat warnings
- heat watch
- heat wave
- helpline
- hemp
- heroes
- high school
- high school students
- high speed rail
- Highland Park
- Hillary Clinton
- Hip Hop
- historian
- historic homes
- history
- hoax
- Hobby Lobby
- hoildays
- holiday
- Holiday Basket Program
- Holiday Baskets Program
- holiday decorations
- holiday greeting
- Holiday in the Park
- holiday season
- holiday tradition
- holidays
- Hollywood
- Hollywood Burbank Airport
- Hollywood deals
- Hollywood Foreign Press Association
- Hollywood Forever Cemetery
- Hollywood Hills
- Hollywood Music and Beer Festival
- Hollywood producers
- Hollywood studios
- Home Depot
- home invasion robbery
- home occupation ordinance
- home sales
- home sellers
- homebuyers
- homeland security
- homeless
- Homelessness
- homes
- homewares
- homicide
- honors
- hoolidays
- horse racing
- hospital workers
- hospitals
- Host Towns
- hostage drama
- Hostess
- hot dogs
- hot weather
- hotels
- house fire
- housing
- Housing for All Act
- housing market
- Hovanes Tonoyan
- humidity
- hunger
- Hurricane Helene
- Hurricane Hilary
- Hurricane Sandy
- hurricanes
- I-5 freeway
- ice cream
- ice skating
- ice skating rink
- Idina Menzel
- illegal immigration
- Illinois
- illnesses
- immigrants
- In The News
- In-N-Out
- inauguration
- indictments
- Indio
- Inernet
- Inflation Reduction Act
- Inglewood
- Inland Empire
- insider trading
- inspections
- Interim City Manager Ken Pulskamp
- Interim City Manager Ron Davis
- Interim Police Chief Scott LaChasse
- Internal Revenue Service
- Internet
- internships
- interviews
- investigation
- investigations
- investment fraud
- investments
- investors
- Iowa
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- issues
- J.D. Power and Associates
- J.K. Rowling
- Jackie Collins
- Jackie Kennedy
- Jackie Robinson
- Jackie Waltman
- jackpot
- jackpot.s
- jackpots
- James Gandolfini
- Janet Strong
- January 6 rioters
- Japan
- Jason Priestley
- Jay Leno
- Jean Youn
- Jeff Bozos
- Jennifer Hudson
- Jennifer Lopez
- Jerry Buss
- Jesse Tangkhpanya
- Jesus the Christ
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- jewelry
- Jews
- Jim Carrey
- Jim Casey
- Jimmy Fallon
- Jimmy Kimmel Live!
- Joan Fontaine
- Joan Rivers
- job fair
- jobs
- Joe Biden
- Joe Cocker
- Joe the Plumber
- John Burroughs High School
- John Lennon
- John Lewis
- John Lithgow
- John McCain
- John Paramo BUSD Superintendent
- John Travolta
- Johnny Carson
- Johnny Carson Park
- jokes
- Jon Stewart
- Jose Sandoval
- Joseph Gatto
- Josh Hutcherson
- Joslyn Adult Center
- journalists
- JPMorgan Chase
- Juan Guillen
- Judie Wilke
- July 4th
- June
- Kamala Harris
- Kanye West
- Kardashian
- Kate Hansen
- Kate Middleton
- Kate Walsh
- Katherine Perez-Estolano
- Kathy Bates
- Katie Couric
- Keith Olbermann
- Kellogg's Corn Flakes
- Kelly Preston
- Kennedy Space Center
- Kenny G
- Kevin Durant
- Kevin Hart
- Kim Kardashian
- Kindle
- Kiwanis Club of Burbank
- Kmart
- Kobe Bryant
- Konstantine Anthony
- Korea
- Korean War
- Krispy Kreme
- Kristi Yamaguchi
- Kroger
- L'Wren Scott
- La Canada Flintridge
- LA Conservation Corps
- LA Weekly
- labor
- Labor Day
- labor dispute
- labor disputes
- labor practices
- labor unions
- Ladies & Gents Night Out
- Ladies Night Out
- Lady Gaga
- Lakers
- Lancaster
- Lance Armstrong
- landmarks
- landscape
- landscaping
- Las Vegas
- late night hosts
- late night talk shows
- Late Night with Seth Meyers
- Late Show
- laughter
- launch
- Laura Bush
- Lauren Bacall
- law enforcement
- lawmakers
- lawns
- laws
- lawsuits
- layoffs
- League of Women Voters Glendale/Burbank
- leap year
- LeBron James
- lectures
- Lee Daniels' The Butler
- legal battle
- legal cases
- legal dispute
- legal disputes
- legislation
- Leonard Nimoy
- Lester Holt
- Letters to the Editor
- libraries
- Library of Congress
- Libya
- life
- lightning
- LinkTV
- Lionel Richie
- Lisa Leslie
- lists
- literary managers
- litter
- Little League World Series
- LiveRail
- London
- Long Beach
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles City Attorney's Office
- Los Angeles City Council
- Los Angeles City Council President Paul Krekorian
- Los Angeles Clippers
- Los Angeles County
- Los Angeles County Coroner's Office
- Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
- Los Angeles County registrar Recorder-County Clerk
- Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
- Los Angeles Dodgers
- Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation
- Los Angeles Harbor
- Los Angeles Lakers
- Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
- Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck
- Los Angeles Police Department
- Los Angeles Sparks
- Los Angeles Times
- Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
- Los Feliz
- lottery
- lucasfilm
- lunar eclipse
- Lupita Nyong'o
- Luther Burbank Middle School
- Madam Tussauds Hollywood
- magazines
- Magic Johnson
- Magnolia Boulevard
- Magnolia Park
- Magnolia Park Merchants Association
- mail-in ballots
- Major League Baseball
- Maker Studios
- Malia Obama
- Malibu
- malware
- management firms
- managers
- Manny Ramirez
- mansionization
- March
- March 5 primary 2024
- marches
- Maria Shriver
- Marian Robinson
- Marilyn Monroe
- Marinello
- Mark Hamill
- Mark Salling
- Mark Twain
- Marlon Brando
- Mars
- Marsha Ramos
- Martin Luther King
- Martin Luther King Junior
- Martino's Bakery
- Marvel
- Marvel Studios
- mascots
- mass shootings
- Maya Angelou
- mayor
- Mayor Bob Frutos
- Mayor Jess Talamantes
- Mayor Konstantine Anthony
- Mayor Sharon Springer
- Mayor Will Rogers
- McDonalds
- McMansions
- measles
- Measure ABC
- Measure RC
- measure S
- measures
- medalists
- media
- Media City
- Media City B-town
- Media City Buzz
- Media City G Profiles
- Media City Groove
- Media City La Tuna Fire
- media district
- media release
- media reports
- medical debt
- Medicare
- medicines
- meet and greet
- meetings
- Mega Million
- Mega Millions
- Megan's Law
- memoir
- memorabilia
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Field
- memorial fund
- memorials
- men
- mental health
- menu
- merchants
- mergers
- merit pay
- metal theft
- Metrolink
- Mexico
- Michael Albanese
- Michael J. Fox
- Michael Jace
- Michael Jackson
- Michelle Obama
- Michelle Wilson
- Michigan
- Mick Jagger
- Mickey DePalo
- Microsoft
- Mideast conflicts
- Mighty Mike Plumbing
- migrants
- Mike D'Antoni
- Mike Nichols
- Mike Nolan
- Mike Pence
- milestones
- military
- millionaires
- mind
- minimum wage
- Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
- missing persons
- Misty Copeland
- Mitt Romney
- MLK Day
- mobile
- mobile phones
- models
- moles
- money
- money deals
- money makers
- Montecito
- Montgomery
- mosquitos
- Mother's Day
- motion picture industry
- motorcycles
- mountain lions
- mountains
- Movers Shakers and Groovers
- movie deal
- movie deals
- movie executives
- movie posters
- movie producers
- movies
- movies. box office
- mug shots
- murder
- murders
- music
- music videos
- musicals
- musicans
- musicians
- Muslims
- My Take On It
- Myburbank
- mysteries
- mystery
- NAACP Image Awards
- nail salons
- Naimie's
- Nancy Bea Hefley
- Natalie Cole
- nation
- national
- national anthem
- National Basketball Association
- national bird of U.S.
- National Donut Day
- National Film Registry
- National Flag Day
- National Freedom Day
- National League Championship
- National Night Out
- National Police Week
- National Weather Service
- nationwide
- NATO Summit
- nature
- NBC News
- NBC Studios
- NBC Universal
- NBCUniversal
- negotiations
- neighborhoods
- Nelson Mandela
- net neutrality
- Netflix
- networks
- New ear's Eve
- new laws
- New Orleans
- new year
- New Year's resolutions
- New Years Day
- New Years Eve
- New York
- New York City
- New York Liberty
- New York Police Department
- NewOrleans
- news
- news anchors
- news media
- news release
- newspapers
- NFL football
- Niche. lists
- Nick Adenhart
- Nickelodeon Animation Studio
- Nikki Perez
- no hitter
- Nobel Peace Prize
- nominations
- nominees
- non-profit organizations
- nonprofits
- North Hollywood
- North Korea
- North Screenland Drive
- Northern California
- Northwest Library Branch
- novels
- November
- November 3 General Election
- November 4 General Election
- November 5 General Election
- nuclear power
- nursery
- nurses
- NWS Los Angeles
- O.J. Simpson
- Obamacare
- obesity
- obituaries
- obituary
- observances
- Occidental College
- October Breast Cancer Awareness month
- Oculus
- Officer involved shooting
- officer-involved shootings
- Ohio
- oil companies
- oil spill
- Ojai
- Oklahoma
- Olive Avenue
- Olvera Street
- Olympics
- on-demand
- online
- opinions
- Oprah Winfrey
- Orange County
- Oregon
- organist
- Orlando
- Osama bin Laden
- Oscar
- Oscar de la Renta
- Oscars
- outages
- outbreaks
- P.F. Chang's
- Pacific Palisades
- packages
- Painted Lady butterflies
- painters
- paintings
- Palisades Fire
- Palm Sunday
- pandemic
- Papa John's
- paper bags
- parades
- Paramount
- parents
- Paris Hilton
- Park Fire
- parking
- parking lots
- parks
- parties
- partnerships
- Pasadena
- passengers
- Passover
- Paul McCartney
- Paul Stanley
- Paul Walker
- pay
- PBS SoCal
- Peabody Awards
- pedestrian
- Pell Grants
- pensions
- Penske Media
- Pentagon
- People magazine
- People's March
- peppers
- Pepsi
- performers
- pet adoptions
- Peter O'Toole
- petition
- petitions
- pets
- PGA awards
- pharmaceutical industry
- pharmacy
- Phil Spector
- philanthropy
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
- Philippines
- Phlunte Riddle
- phone number
- phones
- Photo gallery
- photographers
- photos
- Pilates
- Pink's
- Pixar
- pizza
- Pizza Studio
- plane crash
- plane crashes
- planting
- plants
- plastic bags
- plastics
- players
- playoffs
- plays
- plumbing
- poems
- poet
- poets
- poinsettias
- police
- police checkpoints
- Police Chief Scott LaChasse
- police commission
- Police Commissioner David Diamond
- police officers
- police pursuits
- police shooting
- political ads
- political campaigns
- politicians
- politics
- polling places
- polls
- pollution
- pool party
- pools
- pop culture
- Pope Francis
- Porto's
- Porto's Bakery
- post office
- post offices
- power outages
- Powerball
- premieres
- presents
- President Barack Obama
- President Dilma Vana Rousseff
- President Donald Trump
- President Joe Biden
- President John Kennedy
- President Obama
- President Ronald Reagan
- President Trump
- President-elect Donald Trump
- presidential campaign 2024
- presidential debates
- presidential elections
- Presidential Primary 2024
- presidential race
- presidents
- Presidents Day
- press release
- price gouging
- prices
- primary
- Primetime Emmys
- Prince
- Prince George
- Prince Rainier
- Prince William
- Princess Charlotte
- producer
- producers
- Producers Guild of America
- production
- production companies
- productions
- profits
- Project 2025
- promotions
- property
- property crime
- property for sale
- property sales
- property taxes
- Proposition 30
- Proposition 36
- Proposition 47
- Proposition 8
- Protect California Ballots
- protected land
- protest vote
- protests
- Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center
- PT Cruiser
- public information officer
- public service messages
- Public Works Department
- publications
- Publicist Ronni Chasen
- publishers
- publishing
- publishing deal
- publishing industry
- pubs
- pumpkins
- Queen Elizabeth
- Quote of the Day
- race
- races
- radio
- radio disc jockey
- Rafael Quintero
- raffles
- rain
- rainbows
- rainstorms
- rallies
- Rancho District
- ratings
- rattlesnakes
- raw milk
- Ray Rice
- reading
- real estate
- reality television
- reality TV
- rebates
- recalls
- recession
- recipes
- record breaker
- records
- recounts
- recycle
- recycling
- Red Cross
- redistricting
- Reese Witherspoon
- referendum
- refugees
- refunds
- Reggie Bush
- relief funds
- religion
- renovation
- rent control
- rental gear
- rental property
- renters
- Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank)
- Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)
- Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)
- Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland)
- Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
- Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)
- Rep. Katie Porter(D-Irvine)
- reproductive rights
- Republicans
- research
- research studies
- Reseda
- residents
- resignation
- restaurant
- restaurants
- retail stores
- retail theft
- retailers
- retirement
- reusable bags
- Reuters
- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- reviews
- rewards
- Rialto
- Richmond
- Ricky Gervais
- Rihanna
- Ringo Starr
- Riverside County
- road work
- robberies
- robbery
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr
- Robin Williams
- robotaxis
- Roger Ebert
- Rolling Stones
- Roman Polanski
- romance
- Romancing the Bean
- Ron Davis
- Ronni Chasen
- Rose Bowl
- Rose Parade
- Rose Parade floats
- Rose Queen
- roses
- Rowland Heights
- royal baby
- royal court
- royal wedding
- Ruby Dee
- runaway production
- Russell Williams
- Ryan Reynolds
- Sacramento
- Safari Inn
- SAG Awards
- salaries
- sales
- Sally Field
- same-sex marriage
- San Bernardino
- San Bernardino County
- San Bruno
- San Diego
- San Diego Padres
- San Fernando Valley
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Bay Area
- San Francisco Giants
- San Gabriel Mountains Monument
- Sand Fire
- sandbags
- Santa Ana winds
- Santa Barbara County
- Santa Clarita
- Santa Claus
- Santa Monica
- Santa Monica College
- Sarah Palin
- Sasha Obama
- Save Magnolia Park
- scams
- scandal
- scarves
- school board
- schools
- Scratcher games
- scratchers
- Screen Actors Guild
- screenings
- screenplay deals
- screenplays
- screenwriters
- screeplays
- script deals
- script sales
- scripts
- sculptors
- Sean "Diddy" Combs
- Sears
- seasons
- Seattle
- Seattle Seahawks
- second jobs
- Secret Security
- Secretary of State's Office
- security breach
- seeds
- sellers
- Selma
- Senator Barbara Boxer
- Senator Laphonza Butler (D-CA)
- seniors
- September
- September 11
- sequels
- Serena Williams
- Service Employees International Union
- service projects
- seucrity
- sex offenders
- sexual assault
- Sharon Springer
- Shelly Sterling
- shelters
- Sheryl Crow
- Shirley Temple Black
- Shohei Ohtani
- shooting
- shootings
- shoppers
- shopping
- shopping spree
- shopping Target
- short stories
- Shout-outs and Call-outs
- Showbiz Buzz
- showers
- showrunners
- shuttle
- sick leave
- sidewalks
- signs
- Silicon Valley
- Silver Lake
- singer
- singers
- sinkhole
- sitcoms
- sky
- skywatchers
- slam dunk
- Slurpee
- small businesses
- Smart & Final
- Smart & Final Extra
- Smart and Final
- smart meters
- smart phones
- smog check
- smoke
- snacks
- snakes
- sneakers
- Snoop Dogg
- So Cal
- soap operas
- SoCal
- social justice
- social media
- social networks
- social programs
- social security
- soda
- softball
- solar eclipse
- songs
- songwriters
- Sony
- Sony Pictures
- South Africa
- South Carolina
- South Korea
- Southalnd
- Southern California
- Southland
- Southwest Airlines
- space
- space program
- space shuttle
- space shuttles
- space travel
- spec screenplays
- spec script market
- spec scripts
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics World Games 2015
- speeches
- Sports
- Sports Authority
- Sports Illustrated
- spring
- Spring Egg-Stravaganza
- SpringHill Suites
- Sprint
- St. Patrick's Day
- stabbing
- staffing
- stage plays
- stage productions
- stamps
- stand-off
- Standard Time
- Staples
- Staples Center
- Star Wars Holiday
- Starbucks
- state
- State Assembly Select Committee
- state budget
- state senate
- State Treasurer John Chiang
- Stephen Colbert
- Stephen King
- Steve Ballmer
- Steve Ferguson
- Steve Garvey
- Steve Harvey
- Steve Jobs
- Steven Ferguson
- Stevie Wonder
- stock market
- stocks
- Stop Walmart in Burbank
- stores
- stories
- storm
- storm preparations
- storms
- streamers
- street fair
- street festivals
- street signs
- streets
- strike
- strikes
- student aid
- students
- Studio City
- studios
- subscriptions
- success
- Sudan
- Suge Knight
- summer
- summertime
- sun
- Sun Valley
- Sunland
- Super Bowl
- Super Bowl 2014
- Super Bowl XLIX
- superheroes
- Superintendent Matt Hill
- SuperLotto Plus
- Superman
- supermarkets
- supermodel
- supermoon
- superstitions
- surveys
- suspect
- suspects
- suspicious device
- sustainability
- swimming
- swine flu
- Sylmar
- T Mobile
- Taco Bell
- Tai Chic
- Talaria project
- talent
- talent search
- Talk of the Town
- talk show host
- talk show hosts
- talk shows
- Tallyrand
- Tamala Takahashi
- tapes
- Target
- tax break
- tax credit bill
- taxes
- taxis
- Taye Diggs
- Taylor Swift
- Teacher
- teachers
- technologies
- Ted Kennedy
- teenagers
- television
- television deals
- television dramas
- television news
- television series
- television stations
- temperature
- temperatures
- tenants
- Tender Greens
- tennis
- Terje "Terry" Canavarro
- terrorism
- terrorists attacks
- Tesla
- text messages
- texting
- texts
- Thanksgiving
- The Arsenio Hall Show
- The Automobile Club
- The Beach Boys
- The Beatles
- The Burbank Channel
- The Burbank Leader
- The Burbank Studios
- The Burbank Tournament of Roses Association
- The Ellen DeGeneres Show
- The Glendale News-Press
- The Harris Poll
- The Heritage Foundation
- The Home Depot
- The Huntington Library
- The Late Show with David Letterman
- The Los Angeles Dodgers
- The Los Angeles Times
- The New York Times
- The Rink
- The Snug
- The Tonight Show
- The White House
- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
- The Wrap
- the Young and the Restless
- theater
- theater chains
- theaters
- theatres
- theft
- theme parks
- therapy
- Thomas Riccio
- Thousand Oaks
- thunder
- thunderstorms
- ticket sales
- tickets
- Tiger Woods
- TikTok
- Tim Kaine
- time
- TIME magazine
- Time Warner
- Time Warner Cable
- Tina Fey
- Today Show
- Toluca Lake
- Tom Angel
- tomatoes
- Tonight Show
- Tony Awards
- Tony Bennett
- tornadoes
- Torrance
- total eclipse
- tour
- Tournament of Roses
- Tournament of Roses parade
- tours
- town hall meetings
- Toyota
- toys
- TPing
- Tracy Morgan
- Trader Joe's
- traditions
- traffic
- traffic accident
- traffic accidents
- traffic violators
- tragedies
- trailers
- train accidents
- trains
- transformer
- transgender
- transit of Venus
- transportation
- Transportation Security Administration
- travel
- travel adventures
- tree down
- tree lighting
- trees
- Trials
- Tribune Company
- Tribune Publishing
- tributes
- Tronc
- Tropical Storm Hilary
- Trump administration
- tsunami
- Turkey
- TV
- TV deals
- TV host
- TV networks
- TV series
- TV talk show hosts
- TV talk shows
- TV writers
- tWeb Buzz
- tweets
- Twinkies
- twisters
- Twitter Chatter
- Two and a Half Men
- Tyler Perry
- typhoons
- typhus
- U.S Postal Service
- U.S. Bank
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. flag
- U.S. Justice Department
- U.S. military
- U.S. Post Office
- U.S. Senate race
- U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. troops
- umbrellas
- uncommitted voters
- undocumented
- unions
- Unique Vintage
- United States
- Universal City
- Universal Pictures
- Universal Studios
- Universal Studios Hollywood
- updates
- US Congress
- US Geological Survey
- US Open 2023
- US Postal Service
- US Supreme Court
- US Treasury
- used cars
- USS Iowa
- utilities
- utility boxes
- utility poles
- utility rates
- vacation
- vaccines
- vacuums
- Valentine's Day
- Van Nuys
- Vanity Fair
- variety show
- vegetables
- vegetation
- Venice
- Venus
- Venus Williams
- Verdugo Avenue
- Verdugo Monthly
- Verdugo Park
- Verdugo Recreation Center
- Verizon
- Verve Talent and Literary Agency
- veterans
- Veterans Day
- Viacom
- Vice Mayor Bob Frutos
- Vice Mayor Konstantine Anthony
- Vice Mayor Nick Schultz
- Vice President Joe Biden
- Vice President Kamala Harris
- vice-mayor
- victims
- Victory Boulevard
- video
- video games
- viewing party
- Vincent Price
- vintage license plates
- vintage vehicles
- violence
- viruses
- volunteers
- vote
- vote center
- vote-by-mail ballots
- voters
- votes
- voting
- wages
- Wal-Mart
- walking
- walkouts
- wall street
- Walmart
- Walt Disney Company
- Walt Disney Studios
- Warner Bros.
- warnings
- Warren Buffett
- Washington
- Washington DC
- Washington DC City Council
- Washington Post
- WashingtonDC
- water
- water issues
- water restrictions
- watering tips
- Waterwise Tips
- weather
- Web Buzz
- websites
- weddings
- weekly address
- weight loss
- weird news
- Wells Fargo
- West Hollywood
- West Los Angeles
- West Nile virus
- WGA-West
- White House
- White House blog
- White House dog Bo
- Whitney Houston
- Whole Foods market
- wildfires
- wildflowers
- Wildwood Canyon Park
- Will Rogers
- William "Bill" Taylor
- Wilmington
- winds
- windstorm
- wine
- winners
- Winston Churchill
- winter
- winter solstice
- wirless carriers
- women
- women's basket ball
- Women's Equality Day
- Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill
- Woodbury University
- Woodland Hills
- work
- work force
- workers
- workout
- workshops
- world records
- World Series
- writer
- writers
- Writers Guild of America
- writing
- Yahoo
- yard signs
- yards
- Yasiel Puig
- year of the dragon
- Yelp
- yogurt
- youth
- YouTube
- Zelle
Saturday, November 30, 2024