Monday, February 24, 2025
Suzanne Potter, producer/reporter, California News Service, a bureau of Public News Service. Sunny California days in the winter are not unusual. They can lift your spirits, but that is not true for some. Studies show that about 40% of Americans report feeling the wintertime blues now and then. While about 2% to 3% experience a more severe seasonal […]
Friday, June 21, 2013
Summer officially begins today. In B-town not much weather change. The high today will be in the mid-80s and the same for tomorrow, and maybe a little cooler on Sunday. Oh, and plenty of sunshine in the Media City! Nice way to kick off the summer season.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Partly cloudy skies in the Media City today on this the first day of spring. Some sunshine would be nice. Rain even better. The high today in B-town, low to mid-70s.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
The seasons do change in Burbank. All over B-town trees are shedding their colorful leaves right now. It’s the first week of December, summer is a memory, fall is in full swing, and winter is coming. Change is in the air.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Feeling lucky? Dreaming of hitting the big one or just getting some extra cash to cruise through the rest of the summer? You might be able to pick up some dough in the Mega Millions lottery. The jackpot is at least $45 million for tomorrow’s draw. For as little as one dollar for a single Mega Millions ticket, you might […]
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Spring has sprung. The new season officially arrived yesterday. Smell the flowers. Enjoy the sunshine. Get into the swing of spring.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Have you ever heard anyone say ‘burning fall/autumn?’ That is the name given to this time of year in Korea. It’s in reference to the red color of the leaves around this time. Fall isn’t a time of melancholy as some might say, it is a burning red time of year. Burning is often used to describe passion. Passion is […]
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The sky is wonderfully blue. The weather is neither hot nor cold with just the right amount of sunlight. The breeze is cool and refreshing. The leaves turn beautifully red and yellow. These are the images that remind us that it is now fall. When we’re too busy and have this and that to worry about, we often miss the […]
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The day time is a little shorter now than it was a week or two ago. This past Friday, the day time and night time were of equal lengths. In Korea, this is called chu-boon, while in America it is the autumnal equinox. It is now officially the fall season. This reminds me of a Korean song that talks about […]