Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Attorney General Jerry Brown will be moving to the governor’s office very soon. Brown has been declared the winner over his strong Republican and big-money challenger, Meg Whitman, in yesterday’s General Election. The latest figures from the Secretary of State’s Office give Brown 53.7 percent of the vote and and Whitman 41.3 percent. A check of the statewide voting map shows Whitman […]
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A blazing hot day on tap for the Media city today. At 10 a.m., it’s already 80 degrees in Burbank. The weather forecast is for a high in the mid-to-upper 90s! Yes, we’re deep off into fall, but we’re getting another reminder of what a gorgeous summer day feels like in the Southland. I was out before nine this morning and saw a […]
Saturday, October 30, 2010
We got some rain early this morning in Burbank and could get more before the day is done. So keep that umbrella nearby. The weather forecast is for cool temperatures in the 60s and overcast skies with some occasional sunshine. The rain should be gone by tomorrow. The weather watchers are predicting sunny and dry conditions on Halloween in the Media City and the rest of […]
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dress in layers, caused it could get into the mid-80s today. At 9 a.m. the temperature in the Media City lingered on the chilly side — upper 50s. Nevertheless, the weather forecast is for at least 80 and perhaps a bit warmer with plenty of sunshine. Also, those gusty winds are expected to kick up again today. There is a wind […]
Monday, October 25, 2010
We’re getting sunshine and some gusty winds, along with those cloudy skies here in Burbank today. It was warm enough, near 70, to take a stroll through the downtown district around noon; however, I had to hold onto my hat at times to keep the wind from blowing it off. Weather watchers are predicting strong winds in various parts of the Southland. […]
Saturday, October 23, 2010
More than 37, 000 gathered in a park at USC to see and hear President Barack Obama’s rousing get out the vote for the mid-term election speech yesterday. Later in the afternoon, much smaller crowds clustered in Glendale on street corners, in restaurant doorways, wherever they thought they might catch a glimpse of the presidential motorcade. Yet, from what I observed, the Glendale crowds […]
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Mega Millions lottery jackpot just got super-sized. No one matched all of the winning numbers in last Tuesday’s draw, so the jackpot blew-up again. It’s now hovering at around $101 million. I get the feeling lottery tickets are going to be selling fast today, come rain or shine. Oh, last Tuesday’s game was not a total wash in […]
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
More showers with a chance of thunderstorms in Burbank and most of the Southland, today. Last night, I was out on the freeways and noticed the big trucks had slowed down and only a few motorists were darting in and out of traffic as if the roads were dry. It has taken a few days of rainy weather for some drivers to get […]
Sunday, October 17, 2010
It’s time to pick out the pumpkins, put out the Halloween decorations, and begin stocking up on trick or treat candy. For those who really get into the Halloween groove, the hunt is now on for the perfect costume. The weather is helping set the mood. Today it’s chilly, cloudy, and drizzly in Burbank with a chance of real rain through at […]