Politics & Issues

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The recount drama: George Marciniw’s letter

A lot of developments in the recount drama surrounding the Burbank city council run-off of 2011. First, I think it is important to post here George Marciniw’s personal withdrawal letter from the recount process. The April 21 letter has been debated and probably will continue to produce heated discussion all over B-town for a long time. Thursday, April 21, 2011 The […]
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

President Obama releases long form birth certificate

 Today President Obama attempted to put the brakes on the rumor machine pumping out innuendo and cheap shots about his birth certificate. One of the requirements to run for President of the United States is that a candidate has to be a natural born citizen, according to the U.S. Constitution. In 2008, the Obama campaign posted a birth certificate normally sent out by […]
Monday, April 25, 2011

The recount: Why I support it and what will it cost

Once again an issue has divided B-town. This time it’s the city council run-off recount. Some folks figured out quickly that this recount is a good way to have a public review of Burbank’s controversial mail-in ballot election system. I agree with this point of view. Last Thursday when Burbank resident, George Marciniw, abruptly withdrew from the recount process, putting it in […]
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Update on the Burbank election recount drama

What went down in the basement of Burbank City Hall on the night of  the Municipal General Election, Tuesday, April 12, 2011? Inquiring minds want to know. The recount request for the City Council race in that election has B-town buzzing and even folks in Sacramento talking, Oh, City Hall officials are  apparently worried about something and are trying to sink the recount at […]
Thursday, April 21, 2011

More on the recount of the Burbank City Council run-off

The parties behind the recount of one of the tightest races in Burbank election history — had to jump through a number of hoops tossed up by City Hall officials — not all of them legal. Burbank resident George Marciniw and Judy Alter of  Protect California Ballots, an election watchdog group, were first told by Burbank officials that all of the fee for the […]
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

News Alert: Recount in Burbank City Council race

Hold on!  The 2011 Burbank General Election is not quite a done deal just yet. Today a statewide election watchdog organization, Protect California Ballots , joined with Burbank resident, George Marciniw, in sending a letter to Burbank City Clerk, Margarita Campos, requesting a recount in that oh-so close city council run-off between City Planning Board Member, Emily Gabel-Luddy, and Police Commissioner, Bob […]
Monday, April 18, 2011

The tax deadline and President Obama’s 2010 tax returns

The midnight deadline to file 2010 tax returns is fast approaching. Usually, the deadline for filing federal tax returns is April 15, however, this year we got a three -day-grace period. The reason: Emancipation Day fell on a Saturday, but was celebrated as a legal holiday on April 15 in Washington, D.C. Emancipation Day commemorates the day, April 16, 1862, when […]
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Burbank Campaign News: City Council candidate Bob Frutos concedes

This afternoon Media City Groove was sent this press release about the city council race by the Bob Frutos campaign: BOB FRUTOS CONCEDES BURBANK CITY COUNCIL SEAT TO EMILY GABEL-LUDDY Bob Frutos, Chair of the Burbank Police Commission, entered the race for Burbank City Council to participate in his civic duty as a contributor to the betterment of the City and its residents.  After […]
Friday, April 15, 2011

Final tally for the 2011 Burbank General Election

 Burbank city officials sent out a news release this afternoon with the final numbers for the Tuesday April 12 General Election. The numbers changed from those announced earlier, but the winners did not. Emily Gabel-Luddy won the open seat on the city council and voters passed Measure U — the Modernize Utility Users Tax Ordinance by an overwhelming majority. Here are the final […]