Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The repeat World Champion Los Angeles Lakers went to the White House to celebrate a championship win last year. So this time around, they did something different to honor their latest accomplishment. Earlier this month, on December 13, the Lakers visited with members of The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington. Part of the time was spent with the kids assembling […]
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Assistant pastry chef, Susie Morrison, adds some final details to the gingerbread house — one of many holiday traditions at the White House. The confection weighs 350 pounds! Oh, that doesn’t include the mini-replica of Bo Obama out front. The gingerbread White House is covered in white chocolate. It’s truly a one-of-a-kind creation.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Burbank Police Commission is under siege. The first target is the outspoken Jim Etter, but it appears to be part of a carefully crafted plan by City Hall insiders and their minions to divide and utimately muzzle the commission. The Semichorus blog has an interesting post about the Etter attack with some background on some of the players involved. A […]
Friday, December 10, 2010
For the 88th time, the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony took place in Washington, DC last night. The first family had t he honor of pushing the button that lit up a 40-foot Colorado blue spruce. The President commented on the history and the resilience of the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony: President Obama: Often, the ceremony itself has […]
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A life lived to the fullest with courage, hope, and inspiration for many came to an end today. Elizabeth Edwards died, after a six-year battle with cancer, at her home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, surrounded by her family. The wife of disgraced politician John Edwards was only 61. More on Edwards’ life and struggles against incredible odds and obstacles in […]
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
This morning, Burbank City Clerk, Margarita Campos, put out the list of candidates who have been nominated and qualified for the ballot for Burbank’s Primary Nominating Election on Tuesday, February 22, 2011. Here’s the list as it appears in the city clerk’s news release: City Council Candidates (2 seats) Gary Bric Robert “Bob” Frutos Emily Gabel-Luddy Jacqueline “Jackie” Waltman School Board Candidates (3 […]
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
World AIDS Day is being observed around the world today. A White House event is planned for this afternoon, to remember the victims, stress awareness, and to gauge what is needed in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and internationally. World AIDS Day was established by the World Health Organization in 1988.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Nomination period extended until Wednesday Today at 5 p.m. was supposed to be the deadline for all nomination documents for the 2011 Municipal Elections to be turned into the Burbank City Clerk’s Office. However, that deadline has been extended. A notice of the deadline change to Wednesday, December 1, 2010, appears on the city website. Interestingly, it includes Mayor/City Council member […]
Saturday, November 27, 2010
President Barack Obama probably has a very sore lip today, after being injured in a pick-up basketball game, with friends and White House aides, at Fort McNair in Washington DC, yesterday. During the game, President Obama got elbowed in the mouth and had to leave because of a busted lip. A short time later, he reportedly received 12 stitches at the White House. […]