Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Some published authors are not sitting on the sidelines waiting for Election Day, they’re taking action on the Internet. Novelist Ayelet Waldman is a long-time supporter of Barack Obama and she has come up with a fundraising hook that is really catching on. Waldman is the author of “Love and Other Impossible Pursuits,” “Daughter’s Keeper,” and the Mommy Track mysteries. Waldman launched […]
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thomas Riccio, the resourceful collectibles dealer who is at the center of O.J. Simpson’s Las Vegas trial, has written a book about the case. It is called “Busted: The Inside Story of the World of Sports Memorabilia, O.J. Simpson, and the Vegas Arrests.” Busted was published last April. It’s on the Barnes & Nobles website for $25.95, if you don’t have a membership card. […]
Friday, September 19, 2008
Another publisher is rushing to print and ship thousands of copies of a Sarah Palin book. On August 29, Republican presidential candidate John McCain picked little-known Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for his running mate. Since then, books about Palin have been in big demand. First to hit the bookstores, “Sarah: How A Hockey Mom Turned Alaska’s Political Establishment Upside Down” by Kaylene Johnson. […]
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The small publisher of the only biography out of GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been overwhelmed by the demand for the book. “Sarah: How A Hockey Mom Turned Alaska’s Political Establishment Upside Down” was first released in April with a slightly different title. It didn’t start flying off bookstore shelves until GOP presidential candidate John McCain announced he had picked Palin as […]
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What to leave out of a query San Francisco literary agent Nathan Bransford has written another great blog post in his quest to demystify the query. Bransford put up the what NOT to say in your query post last Thursday, but I just got a chance to click over to his blog this weekend. Bransford’s list has nearly a dozen things he would rather not see or hear about in a […]
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
While the GOP V.P. nominee’s public profile continues to change with every new revelation, you would think there would be some stability in her published book bio. Nope, not the case. When it was released in April of 2008, the book by Kaylene Johnson was called, “Sarah: How a Small Town Girl Turned Alaska’s Political Establishement on Its Ear.” Barnes & […]
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Looking for an agent? Writing that all important query is a must. San Francisco literary agent Nathan Bransford has a great post on his blog about a new survey involving the nearly two hundred queries he received last week. And that was a slow week for him! Bransford has offered up query stats and tips before. This time, he focuses on […]
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Big Buzz on Sarah Palin book The new Republican V.P. nominee, Sarah Palin, has a book out and it’s a hot bestseller on Barnes & and Amazon. “Sarah: How a Small Town Girl Turned Alaska’s Political Establishment on Its Ear” has been out a while. The biography was first published in April of 2008, before Palin’s recent problems were disclosed in the national media. Last […]
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What are the rules for granting an agent an exclusive read? San Francisco literary agent Nathan Bransford gives his take on the subject in a post yesterday on his popular and in-the-know blog. Bransford breaks down his advice into categories and starts with a definition of exclusive as it pertains to the submission of literary works. This is a very good post and […]