
Thursday, May 10, 2012

President Obama arrives on the West Coast

President Obama’s first stop on the West Coast today was in Seattle, Washington. Air Force One touched down at Boeing Field just before noon. During his stop over, Obama will attend two fundraisers, one a brunch at a private home and the other at a large performing arts theatre where folks lined up hours before the event, according to The […]
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

President Obama coming to the Valley tomorrow

President Barack Obama is due to arrive in the Southland tomorrow and is expected to attend a major star-studded re-election fundraiser in Studio City. It’s sort of a house party at the palatial pad of actor George Clooney. The sold-out affair is shaping up to be a biggie with a number of major Hollywood players throwing down serious bucks to […]
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Power and prejudice: Burbank City Council elects new mayor

I watched the reorganization meeting of the Burbank City Council on the city website this morning. I spoke later with someone who had been in the city council chambers during that all important meeting and we both agreed it was unusually quick and somber, but with one major surprise. Vice-Mayor Dave Golonski getting the votes to move up to mayor, […]
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Presidential Race: Michele Bachmann wins in Iowa

 Minnesota Congresswoman and GOP presidential hopeful, Michele Bachmann, is celebrating a major victory today.  Bachmann won the first big Republician test of the 2012 campaign for the White House., the Iowa straw poll.  On the official, Michele Bachmann for President website, the candidate posted this statement: “THANK YOU IOWA! We did it! I am excited to announce our campaign was the […]
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

City Buzz: Bob Frutos, police commission drama, BPD cases and more

Bob Frutos plans to stay involved in city matters Bob Frutos lost on two fronts recently: a city council seat in a very tight race with Emily Gabel-Luddy and last week, the city council-majority (including Gabel-Luddy) refused to re-appoint him to the Burbank Police Commission.  Nevertheless, Frutos is still smiling and touting the need for change in Burbank. Frutos provided some […]
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The recount: Second recount request withdrawn

Another major setback for the recount supporters. Late yesterday, Judy Alter of the election watchdog group, Protect California Ballots, notified Burbank City Clerk, Margarita Campos, that the second recount request for the city council run-off of April 12, 2011 was being withdrawn. If you’re keeping score, that’s two wins for the city insiders and zip for the concerned citizens of Burbank […]
Monday, May 2, 2011

The recount: The City Clerk’s denial and a second recount request

The Burbank City Council’s big reorganization meeting is set for this morning at 10 a.m. Last Tuesday, at the city council meeting there was a showdown over the recount request for  the April 12 city council run-off election. The city won the major and decisive points in this showdown.  Meanwhile, as preparations move ahead for the swearing-in of re-elected Council Member Gary Bric and […]
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Burbank City Clerk corrects mistake in election numbers

Folks have been talking about the odd anomaly in the final results for the Burbank General Election since those numbers were released on Friday, April 15, 2011. The 95 vote difference between the city council contenders, Emily Gabel-Luddy and Bob Frutos,  got most of the attention, however, some have been curious about the sudden increase of more than 450 votes for “Yes” on Measure U. Burbank […]
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The recount: My rejection letter from the Burbank City Clerk

A postal carrier knocked on my door yesterday. The reason: I needed to sign for a certified letter from the Burbank City Clerk’s Office. The letter is the official rejection  of my offer to replace Burbank resident George Marciniw in the recount request process. Here’s the letter.   April 26, 2011 Fronnie Lewis XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Dear Ms. Lewis, This communication is in […]