social media

Saturday, May 4, 2024

President Joe Biden and Actor Mark Hamill celebrate Star Wars Day

President Joe Biden and actor Mark Hamill joined forces to honor the Star Wars Holiday. For more than 20 years, Star Wars fans and others have adopted May 4th as “May The Fourth Be With You” day. It is a pun on one of the most famous lines from the “Star Wars” movie franchise, which says, “May the Force be […]
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Facebook delivers a smackdown on its critics

Naysayers heaped a lot of criticism on the social media giant Facebook when it went public in May of 2012 with an initial public offering of $38 a share. The stock fluctuated and that open the door for critics to slam the decision to go public and doubt the value of the number one social network. Now Facebook has smackdown […]
Friday, March 21, 2014

Twitter celebrates 8th birthday — who has the most followers?

Twitter is singing a birthday song today. In 2006, on this day the first tweet was sent out using 140 characters or less. Eight years later, millions of tweets, sometimes with images, photos, and videos, are sent out daily. Twitter has become a juggernaut  — difficult to control — hard to ban. Turkey Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, became irate at the […]
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Facebook is dumping its email service

More developments for Facebook. The world’s largest social network has more than a billion monthly users, however, not many of them bothered to use Facebook email. After pushing it for several year, the company has decided to retire “We’re making this change because most people haven’t been using their Facebook e-mail address, and we can focus on improving our […]
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Rewind: Facebook, WhatsApp, and that $19 billion deal

A lot of chatter on the Internet and elsewhere about the amazing deal Facebook put together to buy mobile messaging service, WhatsApp, for $19 billion. The social media network announced its newest acquisition last Wednesday. Immediately,  there were questions about WhatsApp. Oh, and the money deal made plenty of folks utter: “Say what?” Here’s how it works. WhatsApp uses the […]
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Web Buzz: Wednesday February 19, 2014

Social media giant, Facebook, just announced an amazing deal. It’s buying popular messaging mobile startup, WhatsApp, for $16-19 billion. Yes, that’s billion with a “b.”  More on this huge Internet purchase and the two WhatsApp owners who are now billionaires on Forbes. Jada Pinkett Smith has snagged a major part in the new Fox drama, “Gotham.” Smith will play tough […]
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle Obama “knocked it out of the park” at DNC

A lot of chatter on the Internet about the speech last night at the Democratic National Convention by First Lady, Michelle Obama. On the Huffington Post , Mrs. Obama got raves for that stunning dress and praise from many commenters on her speech. “Michelle Obama wowed Americans with an emotional speech… and… “set the Twitterverse alight with gushing praise and boosted husband […]
Friday, August 17, 2012

Entertainment Bits: MJ’s will reviewed, Facebook stock down again, WGA-West slams Verizon/cable deals

No surprise that a family feud is underway over the very rich estate of the late pop legend, Michael Jackson. Some of the superstar’s disgruntled siblings have charged his will is a fake. Yes, that’s the will that left the singer’s fortune to various charities, his mother, and his children and nothing to his brothers and sisters.  Forbes investigated MJ’s […]