
Friday, April 8, 2011

Lottery News: Mega Millions jackpot hits $44 million, a Southland ticket worth more than half a million bucks

A lot of money on the line in the Mega Millions lottery draw tonight. The jackpot is hovering at around $44 million. In last Tuesday’s game no one picked all of the winning numbers — but one Southland player got all but the Mega Ball correct. Tuesday’s numbers: 1, 19, 20, 31, 36 and the Mega Ball 9. That lucky SoCal Mega […]
Sunday, March 27, 2011

A rainy March producing beautiful hillside gardens in Burbank

  More rain overnight in Burbank and a 30 percent chance of shower activity today. March 2011 has turned out to be a pretty wet month for the Southland. The relentless storms have battered the roads and frayed the nerves of commuters — but left the local hillsides green and the flowers and plants blooming in Burbank. And that’s a […]
Monday, March 21, 2011

Some sun today — but more rain coming

After morning showers, the sun came out in Burbank today. Don’t get fooled and ditch that umbrella, the vicious storm system that beat the heck out of the Southland yesterday — is not done yet. There’s a 20 percent chance of  more rain today — and thunderstorms that could produce hail! It will be breezy, but not like the strong winds we got yesterday. The high […]
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Major storm battering the Southland

Burbank and the rest of the Southland is getting hammered by a major storm system this afternoon. The rain is coming down in sheets. Powerful winds are whipping through the area. The National Weather Service says rain is falling at a quarter to a half an inch an hour and that could increase to an inch per hour by nightfall. The […]
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rain, lightning, and thunder in Burbank

  A lot rain falling in Burbank this morning. Just before 9 a.m. lightning flashed across the sky, followed by rumbling thunder in B-town. The calendar says it’s the first day of spring. It still feels like winter. This Pacific storm is pounding the entire Southland and is expected to continue the assault through tonight. This storm is packing winds 15-to-30 mph with some […]
Saturday, March 19, 2011

A late winter storm rolls into Burbank

As predicted, light rain began falling in Burbank early this morning. This late winter storm arrives with a full payload — some bouts of heavy rain, cold temps, and breezy conditions. Weather watchers are saying this storm will linger in the Southland — probably for several days. So get out the umbrellas, jackets, and boots again.
Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami advisory for Southland coast

In the aftermath of that massive 8.9 earthquake in Japan, a Tsunami is rolling across the Pacific today. Waves have hit Hawaii and are now splashing up on the coast of Southern California. The Los Angeles Times website has extensive coverage — including photos and video.
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wonderful weather — but a change is in the air

Another warm and sunny winter day on tap for Burbank today. The sky is not that gorgeous clear blue it was yesterday — as some patchy clouds and light winds have moved into the Media City and the Southland. It will be cooler today with the high maybe in the low 70s. On Saturday the high reached 79 in B-town. Tonight, there’s […]