
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Storm clouds gather over Burbank

There is a pretty good chance of rain tonight in Burbank. This evening the wind kicked up and dark clouds rolled in. A storm is moving into the Southland tonight bringing the potential for rain through tomorrow. The high today in the Media City barely reached the low 60s — more cool temperatures in store for Wednesday.
Saturday, March 29, 2014

4.1 aftershock rattles the Southland today

A good size aftershock from Friday’s moderate quake rattled a section of the Southland this afternoon. The 4.1  magnitude shaker hit at 2:32 p.m. and was center about one mile southeast of Rowland Heights down in Orange County.  In the same area where last night’s 5.1 quake struck, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was described as a “… […]
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Earthquakes shake up the Southland and movie screenings of “Noah”

A lot of rocking and rolling in SoCal Friday evening as dozens of earthquakes rumble through the region.  A 3.6 magnitude quake near La Habra at 8:03 p.m.last night kicked off a swarm of shakers centered in Orange County. That was apparently a foreshock to a moderate 5.1 quake, which rolled and swayed through our area at around 9:09 p.m.. It […]
Monday, March 17, 2014

Earthquake rocks the Southland today!

  UPDATE: 8:12 a.m. The quake was felt as far north as Santa Barbara and south to Fullerton in Orange County. Seismologist, Robert W. Graves, says the quake was felt by so many people because the epicenter was so close to a population center. Graves, speaking at a news conference at Caltech in Pasadena,  also said “it is possible” the […]
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Daylight Saving Time and spring-like weather in Burbank

Spring-like weather arrived in Burbank this weekend just in time for Daylight Saving Time. You should spring forward Sunday, March 9 at 2 a.m. or just turn your clocks an hour ahead before going to bed tonight. You lose an hour sleep, but gain an extra hour of daylight in the evening — more time for outdoor activities during the […]
Saturday, March 1, 2014

More stormy weather in Burbank and the Southland

Folks are scrambling to do some clean-up this morning before the next wave of stormy weather in Burbank and the Southland. The situation is pretty precarious in the nearby foothill communities of Monrovia, Azusa, and Glendora where they’re already dealing with mudslides, flooding, and mandatory evacuations effecting more than a a thousand homes. During yesterday’s deluge, trees were knocked down […]
Friday, February 28, 2014

Powerful storm pounds Burbank and the Southland today

Burbank and the rest of the Southland is getting pounded today by much-anticipated winter storm slow rolling through our region. The strong system moved in overnight and is expected to linger through tomorrow bringing at least 2-to-4 inches in Los Angeles area and 4-to-7 inches in the valleys and Inland Empire. Along with tons of rain, this huge storm is […]
Thursday, February 27, 2014

NASA, California drought, and stormy weather

As the Southland gets ready for that second, much more powerful storm, there is still a lot of concern about the California drought. So now NASA is lending a helping hand. The space agency  partnering with the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) “… to apply advanced remote sensing and improved forecast modeling to better assess water resources, monitor drought conditions and […]