Public News Service

Monday, April 29, 2024

Several major grocery store retailers accused of price gouging

  By Suzanne Potter Reporter/Producer, California News Service, a bureau of Public News Service.    Consumer groups are accusing major grocery retailers – like Amazon, Kroger and Walmart – of price gouging, both during and after the pandemic. The allegation of corporate greed comes after a new report from the Federal Trade Commission found profits for grocery chains jumped sharply, at […]
Thursday, April 25, 2024

New federal rules offer passengers more protection from airline mishaps

  By Mike Moen  Reporter/Producer, Wisconsin News Connection , a bureau of Public News Service.     Air travelers could face fewer obstacles in securing a refund if their flight is canceled or changed under new federal rules announced Wednesday. The moves are being praised by watchdog groups. The Department of Transportation said airlines are now required to promptly provide passengers with […]
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

US Supreme Court to decide controversial Starbucks case

  By Eric Tegethoff Reporter/Producer, Washington News Service, a bureau of Public News Service.   A case before the U.S. Supreme Court could have implications for the country’s growing labor movement. Justices will hear oral arguments in Starbucks versus McKinney today to determine if the bar should be raised for the National Labor Relations Board when it seeks to impose court-ordered injunctions […]
Monday, April 22, 2024

On Earth Day, climate activists push for state bond measure

  By Suzanne Potter Reporter/Producer, California News Service, a bureau of Public News Service.   Today, in honor of Earth Day, climate advocates are asking California lawmakers and Gov. Gavin Newsom to rally around a plan to put a $15 billion bond measure on the November ballot. If passed, the bond measure would fund a range of climate resiliency measures. Sam […]
Friday, April 12, 2024

The death of O.J. Simpson sparks discussion of his legacy’s impact

  Mike Moen, Producer/Reporter, Minnesota News Connection, a bureau of Public News Service.   O.J. Simpson’s death has the nation looking back on the infamous murder trial that resulted in his acquittal. Experts say one of the lasting impacts is news coverage and how people consume it. Media coverage of high-profile trials The lengthy trial proceedings from the mid-1990s were […]
Monday, April 8, 2024

Hundreds of students participate in nationwide eclipse balloon project

By Brett Peveto, Producer/Reporter, Maryland News Connection, a bureau of Public News Service.   Solar eclipse spectators are gathering in the path of totality today to see the celestial event of the decade. Meanwhile, more than 700 students from colleges and high schools nationwide will launch instruments to study the phenomenon. This afternoon, dozens of teams participating in the NASA-supported […]
Monday, April 1, 2024

A total solar eclipse is coming

By Terri Dee Producer/Reporter, Indiana News Service, a bureau of Public News Service.   Excitement and curiosity are building for a scientific phenomenon not seen in the United States since 2017. On April 8, a total solar eclipse will briefly put parts of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada in complete darkness. The path of the Great American Solar Eclipse’s reach […]
Friday, March 29, 2024

A proposal to cut Social Security debated in Congress

By Mike Moen Reporter/Producer, Prairie News Service, a bureau of Public News Service.   Congress just avoided a partial government shutdown by approving a budget through the end of September. However, the debate over some crucial issues, for instance, a new blueprint for a key safety net program, continues. And that has advocates in North Dakota and across the country worried. […]
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Higher education experts call for more equitable financial aid reform

By Suzanne Potter Reporter/Producer, California News Service, a bureau of Public News Service.    Each spring, hundreds of thousands of California high school seniors have to figure out if they can afford to go to college in the fall. Two new reports from the Campaign for College Opportunity look at how to make higher education more affordable. The federal government […]