Burbank Scene

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Seven utility boxes in Burbank get creative paint jobs

Have you noticed several utility boxes in Burbank have been turned into original art pieces? A call went out last summer for seven artists to showcase their talent on seven utility boxes under the theme, “Just Imagine.” Artist, Jennifer Turnbull, was selected to work her magic on the utility box on Beachwood Drive between Verdugo and Olive Avenues. It was […]
Monday, December 7, 2015

Bikes urgently needed for Burbank Holiday Basket Program

An urgent call went out in Burbank today for 150 bicycles for some hopeful kids. Former Burbank City Council member/volunteer, Dave Golonski, made the plea at today’s Burbank Coordinating Council meeting/luncheon at the Little White Chapel on North Avon Street here in B-town. During an update on the annual Holiday Basket Program, Golonski announced the BCC had received requests for […]
Friday, December 4, 2015

Holiday Baskets food drive in Burbank tomorrow

The annual Holiday Basket Program in Burbank is heading into its final week, with a major citywide food drive tomorrow, December 5. Volunteers will be outside local grocery stores asking for food donations from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Last year over 550 needy families, including more than 2,300 individuals, received holiday gifts of mostly food, clothing, and toys from […]
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Burbank City Council announces city manager to retire in February

It’s official. Outgoing City Manager, Mark Scott, will retire on February 5, 2016. The announcement this afternoon, from the Burbank City Council, following  its closed-door session with City Attorney, Amy Albano, last Monday. Here’s the news release. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Drew Sugars Public Information Officer (818) 238-5849 dsugars@burbankca.gov Burbank City Manager Mark Scott to Retire City Council begins search for […]
Monday, November 30, 2015

Updated: Burbank City Council closed session today

The Burbank City Council is set to meet in a special closed-door session this evening at City Hall. The main order of business — dealing with issues pertaining to the departure of City Manager, Mark Scott, and selecting his replacement. The meeting comes exactly two weeks after the infamous November 16 city council meeting, where Mayor, Bob Frutos, told the […]
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

City Buzz — Mark Scott, emails, and the city council

Outgoing City Manager, Mark Scott, has B-town buzzing for a number of reasons. First of course, his ultimatum to city council members to approve a reclassification/promotion for an employee under the threat that he would resign if they refused to capitulate. Three council members faced down that threat and voted against the change. At that infamous November 16 city council meeting […]
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Burbank city manager’s retirement email to city council

There are some indisputable truths in the City Hall drama between the Burbank City Council and City Manager, Mark Scott. The city council hired Scott. They are his bosses. They’ve stood up for Scott from the very beginning. In the face of angry public criticism over Scott’s huge salary and benefit package of around $300,000, each council member publicly declared […]
Friday, November 20, 2015

Burbank’s Magnolia Park presents Holiday in the Park

A holiday tradition in Burbank’s Magnolia Park this evening. More than 70 businesses, organizations, and stores have joined forces for the celebration along a stretch of Magnolia Boulevard and Hollywood Way. Visitors are invited to come out to shop, eat, and enjoy the festive atmosphere. Oh, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be there, too! Also, they will be accepting donations […]
Friday, November 20, 2015

Burbank city manager sends out retirement email

More drama at city hall in Burbank. Late last night, City Manager, Mark Scott, sent out an email about his plans to retire to City Clerk, Zizette Mullins. After his threat to resign over a vote he did not like at last Monday’s city council meeting, Scott clarified his intentions. He told the Burbank Leader:”I am not resigning,” Scott said […]