Burbank Scene

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Burbank City Council approves tougher water restrictions

It’s going to be a lot harder to keep a Burbank lawn green through the coming hot days of summer due to some new water restrictions approved by the city council last Thursday. After a public hearing on the impact of the drought and a new 28 percent water-use reduction imposed by a recent executive order from Governor Brown, council […]
Saturday, May 16, 2015

New board, committee, and commission members in Burbank

  New board, committee, and commission members were appointed by the Burbank City Council last Tuesday. Ninety applicants applied to serve the community in 43 volunteer positions. Here are the names of those selected to serve. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD: Jackie Waltman Miguel Porras PARK, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD: Barry Gussow Carolyn E. Jackson SUSTAINABLE BURBANK COMMISSION (UNEXPIRED TERM UNTIL […]
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Burbank public hearing today on new water restrictions

As the heat of summer approaches, Burbank residents are facing even tougher water restrictions. This evening the Burbank City Council will hold a hearing on tightening the restrictions in the city’s Sustainable Water Use Ordinance enacted back in 2009. Right now we’re at stage 11, which allows landscape irrigation for 15 minutes, per station, once a day, three times a week […]
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Burbank Sears joins campaign to help homeless pets

Sears in Burbank has opened its doors to some homeless pets. The retailer is partnering with the Burbank Animal Shelter in its “You can’t buy love, adopt it” campaign. “Over 2,500 animals come through the Burbank Animal Shelter ever year. Our goal with this new campaign is to encourage people to adopt pets. We are excited that Sears is helping […]
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Burbank Scene: Pancake breakfast & Police and Fire Service Day

Big doings in Downtown Burbank today.  Kicking things off, the 51st annual Burbank Community YMCA Pancake Breakfast. This is chance to enjoy a great breakfast of flapjacks, sausage, fruit, juice, and coffee, while helping a good cause. The event is a fundraiser for youth programs at the Burbank “Y”.  Also for the third straight year, the Burbank YMCA Service Club will donate a […]
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Circus Vargas opens in Burbank today

Circus Vargas is doing a repeat series of performances in Burbank beginning today. Last October, the travelling circus stopped off in the Media City for several days — now it’s back for an encore.” Aerialists, acrobats, clowns and the ballyhoo of nostalgic Americana,” will be part of the new production entitled Arlequin, according to a news release.  They’re promising fun and […]
Monday, May 4, 2015

Burbank PD issues warning for Cinco de Mayo

  Planning on toasting Cinco de Mayo tomorrow? If so, Burbank Police have a warning for you. “Traffic and patrol officers assigned to duty will be on heightened alert arresting impaired drivers to prevent a senseless tragedy due to alcohol or drugs,” according to a news release sent out by the BPD. If you’re planning on partying tomorrow — then include […]
Friday, May 1, 2015

Photo Gallery: Burbank gets a new mayor

As expected Burbank vice-mayor, Bob Frutos, got the votes from his colleagues to move into the mayor’s position. The vote was unanimous. Frutos, a veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department, was elected to city council in 2013 and will be serving as mayor for one year. Frutos takes over the job from Dr. David Gordon who will continue to […]
Friday, May 1, 2015

City Buzz: MPMA reacts to controversy and complaints

The embattled Magnolia  Park Merchants Association responded  today to a letter from an irate merchant on Magnolia Boulevard, posted here on Media City Groove, which has drawn more than two dozen comments and fired-up a smoldering controversy in that business area of trendy shops, eateries, and retro stores in Burbank. Last summer, a dispute among merchants over parking on the […]