Burbank Scene

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine’s Day: Desires and warnings

When it comes to Valentine’s Day apparently many Americans have mixed emotions. On the one hand, 48 percent of those surveyed in a recent Harris Poll felt Valentine’s Day is a good time to communicate those special feelings to a significant other. However, about two-thirds of those questioned thought commercialism surrounding the holiday had ruin the romance associated with the […]
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Warm weather through Valentine’s Day weekend for Burbank

Get out the shorts, flip-flops, and don’t forget the sunglasses. At 11:15 a.m. in the Media City the temperature hit 79 degrees. It’s going to get even hotter — well into the 80s. The forecast is for this mini-winter heat wave to linger through Valentine’s Day weekend. Much of the Southland is enjoying the extra warm weather — in some […]
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Another chance to meet and greet 2015 Burbank candidates

Another chance to meet and greet 2015 Burbank candidates tonight. The event is set to get underway at 6:30 p.m. at the Westminster Presbyterian Church  542 North Buena Vista Street in Burbank. It will be the third in a series of four meet and greets with the candidates.  School board contenders as well as candidates running for the city council […]
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Burbank school board candidates at Woodbury U. forum tonight

  The six candidates vying for three seats on the Burbank Board of Education will be front and center this evening at a forum on the Woodbury University campus in Burbank. That forum begins at 7 p.m. in the Woody Cafeteria.  The candidates are Steve Ferguson, Dr. Armond Aghakhanian, Roberta Reynolds, Jesse “Tangk” Tangkhpanya, Greg Sousa, and Vahe Hovanessian. Last month, on January […]
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Burbank primary, Chris Rizzotti, and that anti-gay controversy

It seems to happen like clockwork. Just as the ballots go out and shortly before Election Day, out of nowhere ugly charges are dumped on a candidate. As we head into the final days of the 2015 campaign for the Burbank Primary Election on February 24, 2015, city council candidate/Burbank Planning Board vice-chair, Chris Rizzotti, is battling anti-gay accusations. At […]
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Burbank City Council candidates draw a crowd to Woodbury University forum

It was practically a full house at the city council candidates’ forum in Woody’s Cafeteria at Woodbury University last Wednesday, January 28. Much of the candidates’ opening statements and views expressed were repeats or pretty close to what they said during the recent League of Women Voters of Glendale/Burbank forum.  However, there were some moments that set this forum apart from […]
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Election News: Ballots, drop-off centers, and political ads

Burbank City Clerk, Zizette Mullins, attended the Burbank Coordinating Council meeting/luncheon yesterday to spread the word about the upcoming Burbank Primary. Last election only 18 percent of the registered voters returned their mail in ballots. In order to improve that low percentage, Mullins told the group “I need your help” in order to make voters aware of the February 24, […]
Monday, February 2, 2015

Burbank director wins $1 million in Doritos “Crash the Super Bowl” contest

For the second straight year, a Burbank resident is part of the winning team taking home the first place grand prize in the Doritos “Crash The Super Bowl” contest. Director  Scott Zabielski, reportedly pulled together the required 30-second TV commercial on a budget of only $2,000, according to KTLA . The commercial is called “Middle Seat” and stars Zabielski’s own small son. […]