
Saturday, December 26, 2009

H1N1 influenza widespread in CA, so what about those flu shots?

The State Department of Public Health is recommending all residents get a flu shot for the H1N1 virus as soon as possible. The so-called swine flu remains widespread in seven states, including California. Even though some indicators suggest H1N1 cases may be tapering off here, health officials fear another wave of the illness could hit after the first of the year. As of December 19, 2009, […]
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday Tidbits: How to save 1,000 calories and still celebrate

Want to keep your holiday calorie in-take in check, remember to go for white meat instead of dark. A decision like that can save you a few hundred calories during this holiday season of eat, drink, and be merry. The InStyle website has a nice reminder post on how you can make some sensible choices with a little extra effort. Jackie Keller, […]
Monday, December 21, 2009

Photo Gallery: President Obama gets a flu shot

Official White House photo by Pete Souza — December 20, 2009  Like millions of Americans, President Obama rolled up his sleeve for a flu shot yesterday. The Prez did not have to stand in line at a clinic or make an appointment at a doctor’s office. Obama received the H1N1 vaccine from a White House nurse. Obama got a vaccination for the seasonal flu a […]
Saturday, December 19, 2009

News Bytes:Holiday shoppers on the prowl for bargains this weekend & Burbank flu shot shortage

     Shoppers are expected to flood stores and malls today On the last weekend before Christmas, there are predictions shoppers will get real serious about their gift buying. Retailers are hoping to be swamped by folks looking for bargains and last minute gift ideas. No matter how good the numbers are this weekend, some analysts say they won’t be good enough […]
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

President Obama signs health & jobs initiatives

Photo: Chuck Kennedy/White House — President Obama shakes hands with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today after signing three new initiatives to help community health centers.  “… I’m pleased to announce that we’re awarding more than $500 million to 85 centers in more than 30 states and Puerto Rico that are providing critical care for so many folks […]
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Consumer News: Safety concerns about a hot holiday toy & a Burbank hospital is under investigation

 Are Zhu Zhu pets safe? Zhu Zhu pets, the robotic hamsters that talk and move, are at the top of a lot of wish lists this holiday season. Recently, a California-based consumer watchdog group’s website reportedly sparked a controversy when it claimed there is a potentially harmful level of metal in the Mr. Squiggles model. Now, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has weighed in […]