Saturday, December 24, 2016
A couple of talented saxmen greeted shoppers at the Pavilions supermarket, 1110 West Alameda Avenue in Burbank, with their rendition of some classic holiday songs, last Tuesday. Prompting some to drop a little extra in a nearby Salvation Army red kettle. The music drifted out into the parking lot and lingered. Sounds of the season.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Burbank, CA – Burbank City Councilmember Bob Frutos will seek re-election to his seat in the February 28, 2017 election. Elected in 2013, Bob expressed great appreciation for the opportunity to serve on the Council, and reiterated his promise to continue “working tirelessly for our city and all its residents and neighborhoods.” Noting his strong support among numerous residents from […]
Monday, December 5, 2016
Burbank Mayor, Jess Talamantes, suffered a health episode over the weekend. After attending the Mayor’s Tree Lighting ceremony on the steps of Burbank City Hall last Saturday night, December 3, the councilman reportedly went to dinner at Don Cuco restaurant on East Orange Avenue. It is there that the mayor started feeling some discomfort, went to the men’s room, and […]
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
A new grocery store will soon open in Burbank. Banners for Grocery Outlet are plastered on the old site of the Fresh & Easy store at 1625 West Verdugo Avenue. Grocery Outlet calls itself a bargain market and in its company statement claims:”We offer brand-name, quality products at up to 40-70% off conventional retail prices.” There are reportedly more than […]
Monday, November 21, 2016
I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday. As we celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends we give thanks for the blessings and the freedom s we enjoy every day. I am very appreciative of the great opportunity you have given me to serve as one of your Council Members in our great city. I am thankful that […]
Monday, November 21, 2016
An elderly woman was reportedly hit by a black sedan in a Burbank intersection considered to be dangerous by many in Magnolia Park. The accident occurred last Thursday, November 17, at around 12:30 p.m. at the intersection of Lima Street and Magnolia Boulevard. The accident forced Burbank traffic patrol officers to block off eastbound traffic on Magnolia for a while. […]
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
It’s now up to you go vote! November 8 is Election Day. The polls are open. The ballots and booths are ready. Election 2016 has been a real headache for many voters. The debates, the insults, the lies, the threats — from the ugly, contentious presidential campaign to the boiling controversy over Measure “B”– the replacement terminal proposal for the […]
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Beware, traffic alert in Burbank. Starting today, crews will begin a major road work project on Victory Boulevard from Verdugo Avenue to Isabel Street. The good news, that stretch of Victory will remain open during the estimated two-week project. However, there will be “lane closures and detours,” which will occur “during the daytime and sometimes at night,” according to a […]
Saturday, October 15, 2016
It’s hard to turn away from national politics with the erratic and over the top Donald Trump trying to bully his way into the White House. Especially now that Trump has launched into an all out feud with the Republican establishment. Drama, drama, and more drama! Nevertheless, back here in Burbank, campaigns are quietly gearing up for the battle for […]