Politics & Issues

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Hundreds march in Sacramento for more education funding

  Suzanne Potter, producer/reporter, California News Service, a bureau of Public News Service.   Several hundred protesters marched to the Capitol building in Sacramento on Tuesday, calling for better funding for education. The event was part of a nationwide day of action sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers. Stephanie Luna, an East Los Angeles Community College student, said she supports Assembly […]
Monday, November 13, 2023

New poll shows Porter and Schiff lead California U.S. Senate race

A new CA Senate poll shows Rep. Katie Porter and Rep. Adam Schiff far ahead of the other candidates. In fact, the two U.S. House Democrats are running almost neck-and-neck in the race. Porter of Irvine is favored by 17 % of voters most likely to cast ballots in the upcoming March primary. Schiff of Burbank is slightly behind with […]
Monday, October 30, 2023

Two high-profile SoCal candidates jump into the crowded California US Senate race

Former SoCal TV reporter/anchor, Christina Pascucci is stepping away from a 15-year career to hit the campaign trail. Pascucci, 38, is running for the US Senate seat once held by Dianne Feinstein, who passed away on September 29. Pascucci officially announced her intentions recently on Fox 11’s political talk show “The Issue is: with Elex Michaelson.”  Locally, Pascucci worked for news […]
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Several local candidates already campaigning for election in 2024

2023 is only a few weeks old, but several local candidates are out of the gate and campaigning for election in 2024. One of the most watched races locally, statewide, and nationally is the replacement for retiring California Senator, Dianne Feinstein. The 89-year old political pioneer made the long-anticipated announcement that she would not run for re-election earlier this month. […]
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Media City Buzz: Big changes ahead for Burbank as a second councilmember bows out of the 2022 election

Mayor Jess Talamantes’ decision not to run for re-election opens the door for big changes in Burbank. Over the years, many residents have burned my ears with complaints about the city council and how it handles major issues and controversies. It’s a fact; City Council votes affect the quality of life of the 100-thousand plus people who call the Media […]
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Letter to the Editor: Burbank update from Councilmember Nick Schultz

Just over 100 days ago, I took my oath of office and was sworn in as your City Councilmember.  While there has been much to learn in my short time on the City Council, I feel increasingly optimistic that our community is well-positioned to build back strong from this unprecedented public health and economic crisis. As a candidate, I advocated […]
Monday, June 1, 2020

Curfew in Burbank and businesses take action

A curfew goes into effect in Burbank at 5 p.m. until 6 a.m. today and many businesses are taking action. Some, like the Apple computer specialist, MelroseMac, 2400 West Olive Avenue, are boarding up doors and windows preparing for the worst. Before the City of Burbank issued the order for a 5 p.m. curfew, plenty of chatter on social media […]
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Burbank COVID-19 update For Monday, March 23

The latest Burbank COVID-19 update for Monday, March 23, has new information. In it, Mayor, Sharon Springer, talks about the newest restrictions added to the “Safer at Home” order. The Los Angeles County Health Department issued that order. A summary and link to that order is here. Also, Mayor Springer announced the closure of hiking trails, gives reminders on what […]