
Saturday, April 16, 2011

It’s going to be a hot one in Burbank!

Hot temperatures and tons of sunshine in Burbank today. Bring it on!  No rain this weekend just plenty of gorgeous this-is-why-we-live in Southern California weather. At around 9 a.m. this morning, it was already 73 degrees in B-town. The high is expected to reach into the 90s. The weather forecast includes the possibility of some winds, 15 to 25 mph […]
Friday, April 15, 2011

Final tally for the 2011 Burbank General Election

 Burbank city officials sent out a news release this afternoon with the final numbers for the Tuesday April 12 General Election. The numbers changed from those announced earlier, but the winners did not. Emily Gabel-Luddy won the open seat on the city council and voters passed Measure U — the Modernize Utility Users Tax Ordinance by an overwhelming majority. Here are the final […]
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Burbank General Election winners: Measure U by a wide margin and Gabel-Luddy by less than 100 votes

Burbank’s General Election 2011 is history, but it will be talked about for some time. I joined a small group of election watchers in the lobby of City Hall last night, to wait for the returns to come in. It was a long wait! The deadline for turning in those controversial mail-in ballots was 7 p.m. Despite this early deadline the first return numbers were […]
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Election Day in Burbank!

  If you haven’t mailed your General Election ballot — don’t. Postmarks don’t count. You must deliver your ballot to City Hall or one of the designated drop-off centers by 7 p.m. this evening.  It’s important. Vote! Drop-off Centers: Buena Vista Branch Library 300 — North Buena Vista Street  7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Joslyn Center 1301 — West Olive Avneue  7 a.m. to 7 […]
Monday, April 11, 2011

Burbank Central Library to remain closed until April 18

The cleanup job at the Burbank Central Library is going to take longer than just a few days to complete. A press release from City Hall today says the library on North Glenoaks Boulevard will be shutdown until next Monday, April 18. Library services director, Sharon Cohen, estimated that between one-and-two thousand books were lost in that broken water pipe incident […]
Monday, April 11, 2011

Update on recently released sex offender Amy Beck

The California Megan’s Law website profile of ex- Burbank teacher/convicted sex offender, Amy Victoria Beck, has been updated. The story broke here first on this blog that Beck was released from state prison last month, on March 20. Beck served about 8 months in state prison. In a strange twist, the former David Starr Jordan Middle School teacher turned herself into the Burbank Police back in […]
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Burbank Alert: Central Library closed tomorrow due to water damage

A mishap at the Burbank Central Library has prompted officials to close the facility tomorrow. A press release from City Hall today blames the closure  on a water pipe break  in the library at 110 North Glenoaks Boulevard this weekend.   The rupture happened early yesterday and it set off the fire alarm. Fire crews responded quickly and shut off the water, but […]
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Job Hunt: OSH in Burbank hiring

OSH is hiring in Burbank . The Orchard Supply Hardware store in the 600 Block of North Victory Boulevard has help wanted signs pasted to its front doors. They are looking for cashiers, sales associates, and pick-up clerks with some special skills. “We are seeking applicants with an outgoing personality, willingness to learn and the motivation to provide legendary customer […]
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Burbank campaign news: One week to the General Election

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 5th, 2011 — As of today four thousand ballots have been received at City Hall, according to Burbank City Clerk, Margarita Campos. The Burbank General Election is just around the corner — on Tuesday, April 12. In the primary a few weeks ago, I dropped my ballot off at City Hall on Election Day. This time, I […]