
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Big changes for the Burbank Leader & Glendale News-Press

Lately, there’s been a lot of chatter and speculation in B-town about changes at the Burbank Leader. Today, there are details of some of those changes over on Kevin Roderick’s popular website, LA Observed. Roderick posted a piece on former Los Angeles Daily News editor/ sometime activist/media commentator, Ron Kaye, who has a new gig as a front-page columnist for the new […]
Monday, January 10, 2011

City Buzz

 Burbank’s merit pay for city employees controversy Some new developments in the growing controversy about merit pay for Burbank city employees — who gets them — how much per individual — what is the real criteria for who pockets those extra bucks — are the main questions yet to be answered fully by city officials. Late last Friday, city officials made […]
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another winter storm pounds the Southland

UPDATED 12:30 p.m: Monday, January 3rd, 2011 This very cooold storm is slowly moving East, leaving behind clearing skies, some sun, and a few showers here and there in Burbank and the rest of SoCal. As the rain diminishes, the winds are expected to kick up. The weather watchers are predicting winds of 15-to-25 mph with gusts reaching possibly 30 mph this evening […]
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

City Buzz

Burbank used same audit firm as Bell A report from State Controller, John Chiang, reportedly found considerable problems with the audit of the city of Bell’s finances by Mayer Hoffman McCann — the same accounting firm that has done work for the city of Burbank. In a news release last week Chiang said: “MHM appears to have been a rubber-stamp rather […]
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A rainy, cold, and windy Wednesday

Another rainstorm rolling through Burbank and the rest of the Southland today. Rain will be falling off and on, sometimes heavy, this morning. Weather watchers are calling this a fast moving storm — saying we should begin to dry out by this afternoon.  However, a cold and very windy system is hitchhiking on this storm — and it will bring some […]
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sun comes out after storm barrels through Southland

  The still soggy Southland got dumped on by another storm system. A sunny Christmas Day brought out joggers in shorts and tee shirts in the Media City, however, dark clouds rolled in during the late evening bringing rain and gusty winds. At 8:30 p.m. Christmas night, rain was pounding Burbank and would continue to do so, off and on, for several hours. Early this […]
Friday, December 24, 2010

The Christmas spirit at work in Burbank

  Around 500 Burbank families are enjoying a happier holiday season thanks to the giving caring spirit of the Burbank Coordinating Council, its donors, and volunteers. The council is like the “little engine that could.” Nothing stops it — least of all a few days of record breaking rain and chilly temperatures. Going strong since 1946, the council is the driving […]
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

City Buzz

“Rain rain go away” When will it stop? Soon is what the weather watchers are saying about this deluge. Like most of  the Southland, Burbank is soggy from several days of heavy rain. The worst of the storms is rolling across Los Angeles County now through mid-afternoon. I was out driving in the Media City shortly before 9 a.m. this […]