
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Southland slammed by more stormy weather

More cold temperatures, heavy rain, and snow caused havoc in the Southland today. Flooding, snow, and ice made travel on local highways and roads treacherous, forcing some closures. Most surprisingly, the snow level dropped to around 1500 feet. Late today, falling snow shut down highway 14 into the Antelope Valley. Hundreds of motorists waiting and hoping to get home to Lancaster or Palmdale had […]
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Spirit

FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove – Burbank These are not the best of times, but it’s good to see that has not dampened the holiday spirit of some homeowners and renters. Some of them are still going all out with holiday decorations. Many have had their lights and all the festive trimmings up for weeks. In the Burbank hills, many of my neighbors braved the chilly […]
Monday, December 15, 2008

A record turnout in the state for the November 4 election

FLLewis / A Writer’s Groove Voters in line at a Burbank polling place on November 4, 2008    We first got a hint at the historic turnout in the November 2008 General Election from the many reports of voters waiting in long lines to cast their ballots. Now the numbers are in for California and they confirm that the turnout was indeed huge!  Secretary […]
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holiday Spirit

FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove I don’t know about you, but sometimes wrapping gifts can be a major hassle during the holiday season. Many charities and volunteer groups are helping out shoppers by offering low cost or free gift wrapping services at businesses like Barnes & Noble. When I dropped by the Barnes & Noble on North San Fernando Boulevard in Burbank late one evening last […]
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Serious rain on the way; evacuations in Southland burn areas

   While some folks scramble to find their rarely used umbrellas today, others in the Southland are either sandbagging or shoring up their properties in the areas charred by the recent wildfires. The threat of mudslides is so serious in Orange County, volunteer evacuations are recommended in the most fire-ravaged  canyon areas of Yorba Linda. Earlier this month, wind-whipped wildfires destroyed hundreds of homes and […]
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gas prices and the debate over the auto bailout

FLLewis / A Writer’s Groove – Burbank Gasoline prices are looking real good these days, but consumers are too busy struggling to stay afloat in the sinking economy to enjoy the bargains at the pumps. I was out this morning and found self-serve regular at two gas stations on Glenoaks Boulevard in Burbank selling at $2.39 a gallon. The Auto Club of Southern […]
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sylmar fire causes power problems in the Southland

  Jay Clendenin / Los Angeles Times A firefighter battles to save a mobile home in Sylmar. The Burbank foothills in the San Fernando Valley have not been touched by the flames of the rampaging Sylmar wildfire, but my community is still affected. A short time ago, I got an e-mail alert from Burbank City Council Member, Marsha Ramos, about electrical power concerns. […]
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Flying the stars and stripes for veterans

FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove – Burbank The American flags are out today in honor of all veterans who have fought and sacrificed for the ideals that hold together these United States.  President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11, 1919 the first  “Armistice Day.” Decades later, it would become a national holiday renamed, “Veterans Day.” A day of celebration for the brave men and […]