
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Veterans job fair in Burbank today

Several employers looking for workers will be on site today at a veterans job fair  in Burbank. The Burbank Workforce Connection office, a co-sponsor of the event, “hopes to connect as many veterans as possible with viable employment opportunities,” according to a news release posted on the city website. The job fair is aimed at military veterans, but is open to the […]
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Election News: Ballots go in mail and new meet & greet

Ballots for the Burbank General Municipal Election are scheduled to go into the mail today. About 61, 000 ballot packets are being sent out to registered voters in the Media City. Again, the election is mail in ballot only. You have to return the ballot envelope in the mail or drop it off at one of the designated drop-off centers. […]
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Burbank City Council approves moratorium on McMansions

Burbank residents opposed to the “McMansion” trend are breathing a little easier today. Last Tuesday night, the Burbank City Council handed them a major victory by voting unanimously to ask staff to draft an Interim Development Control Ordinance or IDCO,  aimed at temporarily stopping over-sized home projects until loopholes in the building codes can be closed and  new design standards established. […]
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Community meeting to discuss off-leash dog park in Burbank

The first in a series of community meetings tonight about an off-leash dog park in Burbank. The development of such a park has been kicking around since 1997. However, the concept has moved into the serious stage with three sites being considered by Burbank’s Park and Recreation Department. The sites involved: an open space area adjacent to Bel Aire Baseball […]
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Showdown over “McMansions” in Burbank gets TV news coverage

A showdown over the proliferation of “McMansion” size homes in Burbank is set for tonight at the Burbank City Council meeting. Last week, the city council heard from a number of  residents who spoke out about McMansions sprouting up in Burbank neighborhoods. Some told painful stories about an oversized home being built next door that either damaged their property, or robbed […]
Monday, March 9, 2015

Mysterious boom rattles nerves in Burbank

Some residents near 1030 West Olive Avenue in Burbank may still have some rattled nerves this afternoon. A loud boom, at 2:30 a.m in the vicinity of that property, jolted a number of people out of a sound sleep. Some say it sounded like an explosion or even a shotgun blast. There was no assault nor attack. It was a […]
Friday, March 6, 2015

Election News: Burbank City Council members make endorsements

Today Burbank School Board candidate, Dr.  Armond Aghakhanian, announced the endorsement of Burbank City Council vice-mayor, Bob Frutos. On his Facebook page,  Aghakhanian made the announcement and wrote, “I am truly honored and humbled for the level of support our campaign is receiving from our community. This includes Burbank community leaders and organizations.” Three other council members, Emily Gabel-Luddy, Jess Talamantes, […]
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Grand opening of 1920s Hair and Nail Bar in Burbank

A big turnout for the grand opening yesterday of the 1920s Hair and Nail Bar in Burbank. Family, friends, clients, as well as city and Burbank Chamber of Commerce officials showed up to nosh on scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, sweets, and pastries as well as to toast the new venture. The owners, hairstylist, Diana Azarian, and son, Raffael Nahapetian, opened the hair salon and […]
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Suspect being held on $1 million bail after attack in Burbank

  A 29 year-old Santa Clarita man is being held on $1 million bail today, after being arrested by Burbank Police in connection with an assault last night. The attack occurred in the 700 block of  Roselli Street at around 11 p.m. The victims, three unidentified females, ages 21, 41, and 67.  “All hospitalized in serious but stable condition with cuts/stab […]