
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Humidity is down and so are the temperatures in Burbank

  Humidity and temperatures have taken a dip in the Media City. That humidity has dropped below 50 percent and the temps have plunged from the 90s to the 70s and 80s. Normally, August in Burbank means at least upper 80s and 90s. Right now, we’re experiencing a bit of a cooling trend. The high today might reach 81 or […]
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Photo Gallery: National Night Out Burbank PD parking lot

The anti-crime event, National Night Out, was celebrated in the Media City with a bash at Burbank Police Headquarters as well as block parties in a number of neighborhoods last night. Freelance photographer, Greg Reyna, shot these pictures of the BPD bash held in the back parking lot of the facility on Tuesday August 5.      
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cloudy skies and possible thunderstorms in Burbank today

    You might need an umbrella on this first Sunday in August. Cloudy skies expected for most of the day here in Burbank with a chance of some rain and even thunderstorms. The chance of rain is 30 percent. We got some raindrops overnight in the Media City , not much, but every little bit helps the drought stricken […]
Friday, August 1, 2014

Guest Blogger Jackie Waltman: Burbank mayor position. Is it time for a change?

It may be time to seriously talk about the position of Burbank City Mayor.  For years the position of Burbank mayor has been largely ceremonial. The position has been conferred on a rotational basis to council members by their colleagues.  This practice sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. First off, I would like to say that any citizen who is willing […]
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Reports of coyotes in packs roaming through a Burbank neighborhood

A warning out about coyotes in packs roaming through a Burbank neighborhood. CBS2 News is reporting that a resident and his dog were chased by a pack of coyotes on East Walnut Avenue near North 5th Street earlier this week. Nick Mendoza caught the coyotes on his home surveillance camera. Some of that video is up on the CBS2 website. Coyote […]
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Film production up in the Media City

Film production is up in the Media City. It’s been very busy over at the Burbank Police film permit office. Norma Brolsma has been running the operation for years. “Drowning in work,” Brolsma said last Thursday in an email. She wasn’t complaining, just describing how robust the permit business is in Burbank . So far this year, 500 Burbank permits […]
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Talk of the Town: Burbank mayor selection

Some issues, like the debate over the selection of Burbank’s mayor, never seem to die. It frequently comes up in the spring when a new mayor is picked by the city council members. In the past, there have been some ugly episodes with certain council members being shut out of the rotation for mayor. Dr. David Gordon has been passed […]
Monday, July 28, 2014

State agency conducts vehicle inspections in Burbank

The Bureau of Automotive Repair conducted several hours of vehicle inspections or an emission survey, on West Olive Avenue between South Virginia Avenue and North Lomita Street in Burbank today. BAR performs the surveys “…in the areas of the state with the poorest air quality,” according to the agency’s website. Mike Piercy, part of the BAR team in Burbank today, […]
Monday, July 28, 2014

Car crashes in front of Porto’s in Burbank

Some scary moments in front of Porto’s Bakery and Cafe in Burbank this morning. A light tan sedan slammed into a traffic signal light pole a few feet from the entrance of the very busy establishment. The investigating Burbank Police officer says the driver was “coming from some medical appointment” and “apparently passed out .” It happened just as the […]