
Monday, July 7, 2014

Protest rally and ribbon cutting ceremony at Hobby Lobby in Burbank

Dozens of protesters rallied in front of the Burbank Hobby Lobby at noon today, forcing the grand opening ceremony to move inside the store. The demonstrators were protesting Hobby Lobby because  of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling last Monday. In a landmark 5-4 decision, the high court ruled Hobby Lobby could deny coverage  in its employee health plan for certain contraceptives, […]
Monday, July 7, 2014

Major protest planned for Burbank Hobby Lobby grand opening today

A major protest is shaping up for the grand opening ceremony at the Burbank Hobby Lobby today. Social media is buzzing about the protest, which will focus on Hobby Lobby’s  U.S. Supreme Court victory. Last Monday, the high court ruled that the craft and home decor chain, run by a conservative Christian family, could deny coverage in the company employee […]
Sunday, July 6, 2014

More Protests at Hobby Lobby in Burbank

Protesters converged on the new Hobby Lobby store in Burbank yesterday for the second straight day. Picketers greeted customers at the parking lot entrance on North Victory Boulevard July 4th during the soft opening. This is the newest Southland store for the controversial national craft and home decor chain run by the evangelical Christian family of David Green. Last Monday, Hobby […]
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Burbank Taco Bell back in business after major remodeling

The Taco Bell at Buena Vista Street and Magnolia Boulevard in Burbank is back in business. It had a soft opening last Friday, when they had to work the bugs out of the computer system. The next day, Saturday, the computers were working and the customers were starting to trickle in.  They’re calling this a remodel, but if you remember, […]
Monday, June 30, 2014

Hobby Lobby wins U.S. Supreme Court case over birth control mandate

Hobby Lobby, the family owned arts and crafts chain opening a new store in Burbank in a few days, has been handed a major victory by the U.S. Supreme Court. It was announced today that the deeply divided high court had ruled in a  5-4 decision that privately owned corporations could not be required to provide contraceptive coverage for employees under […]
Saturday, June 28, 2014

While waiting for U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Hobby Lobby gears up for Burbank opening

Hobby Lobby, the craft and home decor chain, is gearing up for the big opening of its new Burbank store early next month. A new sign has been installed at the entrance to the newly paved parking lot on North Victory Boulevard. Extensive renovation of the old OSH site has been done, but work continues on the structure. Hobby Lobby’s […]
Friday, June 27, 2014

Garage sales in Burbank and Glendale this weekend

Garage and yard sales pop up all over Burbank and in nearby Glendale almost every weekend. If you’re up and about early Saturday and Sunday mornings, you’ve probably seen the serious bargain hunters searching the residential streets of B-town looking for deals or just interesting things to buy. In Wednesday’s Burbank Leader, there were notices for three garage sales tomorrow. […]
Friday, June 27, 2014

IKEA Burbank hourly workers to get a raise as part of new company policy

Many of the more than 300 employees at the IKEA in Burbank will be getting a raise as part of a new company policy.Yesterday, the Swedish furniture giant announced it will adopt a new minimum hourly wage structure for its U.S. hourly retail workers. Beginning in January of next year, the minimum average hourly wage will jump 17 percent to an average […]
Monday, June 23, 2014

Talk of the Town: Burbank City Council, utility rate hikes, and labor costs

The Burbank City Council will again be crunching budget numbers tonight during a special city council meeting. At the June 10 meeting, the council majority shocked the over-confident staff by not approving utility rate increases for electric, water, refuse, and sewer. The vote was 3-2 with council members Emily Gabel-Luddy and Gary Bric voting for the rate increases.  Council member […]