Sunday, January 5, 2014
Today is the last chance to get your skate on at the temporary ice rink in the parking lot behind Burbank City Hall at Orange Grove Avenue and Third Street in the downtown area. The Rink opened last November, and has hosted special events, like the appearance of Olympic champion Kristi Yamaguchi, as well regular skating schedules for the public. […]
Saturday, January 4, 2014
The Burbank Rose float 2014 is on display this weekend at the parking lot across from the Burbank Central Library North Glenoaks Boulevard and Olive Avenue. “Lights… Camera … Action!” won the Fantasy trophy at the 125th Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year’s Day. The public is invited to come out and view the float up close and to […]
Saturday, January 4, 2014
A member of the renown rock duo, Everly Brothers, has died in Burbank, according to the Los Angeles Times website. Phil Everly passed away at Providence Saint Joseph’s Medical Center yesterday, following a battle with lung disease. He was 74. His wife. Patti Everly, reportedly told the Times that he “fought long and hard” with the illness, which she blamed on […]
Thursday, January 2, 2014
A gorgeous winter day in Burbank. At 2 p.m., the high was 82 and climbing. The sun is beaming down with little or no wind. It’s flip-flops and shorts weather… on this the second day of January! In contrast, the sun is shining, but it’s only 19 degrees in Burbank, Illinois. Tonight the temperature there is expected to drop […]
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Burbank Rose Parade float preparations kick into high gear today and more volunteers are needed. Yesterday, I spent some time at the float barn, 123 West Olive Avenue in Burbank, watching the volunteers work their magic. I followed two volunteers, Connie Weir and Virginia Meyers, as they meticulously decorated a recreation of a Victrola record player — produced during the […]
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Today is the winter solstice — the shortest day of the year, and the start of winter. From here on out, the days will be getting longer. The winter solstice is really an event — the point at which the sun reaches the most southern point in the sky. It happened at 12:11 p.m. ET today. On this the […]
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Tom Huber thinks his Burbank store is the luckiest in town and with good reason. Seven years ago, a winning lottery ticket for $1.2 million was purchased at Otto’s Import Store & Delicatessen, 2320 West Clark Avenue. Also, players have bought lottery tickets, including scratchers, at this little European import shop, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. People buy a […]
Sunday, December 15, 2013
The sun is really going to be shining in the Media City on this Sunday. Yesterday, the high reached the low 70s — today weather watchers say it could get into the low 80s in Burbank! We will have several warm days — before the cold weather returns just in time to kick off winter, which officially begins on […]
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Today is the big delivery day for the annual Holiday Basket Program — designed to provide some holiday cheer for hundreds of needy families with school age children in Burbank. A team of diligent volunteers and organizers worked for several hours late yesterday, building and stocking baskets for 600 families in the auditorium at George Washington Elementary School on North […]