
Thursday, August 15, 2013

West Nile virus warnings posted in Burbank

West Nile virus warning signs are up in Burbank after two more mosquito samples tested positive for the disease. The first occurred back in July. Now two more mosquito samples, one near 600 North Myers Street and the second around  2000 Evergreen Street, were confirmed as positive last Friday. The Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District reports 164 positive mosquito […]
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Flash Mob car event draws thousands to Burbank

Thousands of car enthusiasts invaded Burbank Tuesday night for a social media driven event near the Krispy Kreme doughnuts outlet in the Empire Center on Victory Place. The event was due to kick off at 9 p.m., but three hours before the center parking lot was reportedly packed with cars. In response to the big crowd, both off ramps of […]
Friday, August 9, 2013

Jay Leno to exit “The Tonight Show” next February

It’s official “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” will be ending on Thursday, February 6, 2014, according to Deadline.  The talk show’s executive producer, Debbie Vickers, reportedly made the announcement to staffers today. Also, the cast and crew will be paid until Leno’s contract runs out in September 2014. Leno’s replacement, Jimmy Fallon, is set to take over the “Tonight […]
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Disney takes a hit from “The Lone Ranger” flop

“The Lone Ranger” seriously under-performed movie theaters and that is going to cost Disney dearly. Since opening in the U.S. on July third, the western has made only $87 million, added to the global take — the total is $175 million. Box Office Mojo puts the production cost at $215 million and then there are those extra millions spent on […]
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

President Obama coming to Burbank today: Streets to avoid

President Obama is scheduled to arrive in the Media City this afternoon, after stopping in Arizona. Obama is going to be the guest on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” Wisely, Los Angeles Police have put out a traffic advisory for streets that might get caught up in a so-called Obamajam. Valley streets to avoid between 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 […]
Monday, August 5, 2013

President Obama is coming to town

President Obama will be leaving the White House tomorrow and heading west with a stopover in the Southland. The president’s schedule reportedly will include an appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” That may mean some traffic issues here in Burbank, particularly near the Burbank Studios at 3000 West Alameda Avenue, where the “Tonight Show” tapes. Obama is due […]
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Starbucks opens a reserve store in Burbank

There’s a new Starbucks Coffee in Burbank. The new store at West Olive and West Verdugo Avenues is a week old today. Store manager, Kate Kevorkian, says the reaction from the public  has been “wonderful” and there’s ” a lot of excitement” about the store. For many years, this location was the home of Theresa’s Family Restaurant. Back in the […]
Thursday, August 1, 2013

New look for Media City Groove

  Media City Groove has a fresh new look! Also, some upgrades, changes, and new features. Things will be a little bumpy for a while — but we hope to have everything running smoothly very soon. Thanks for your patience.
Monday, July 29, 2013

City Buzz: Olive Avenue the deadliest street in Burbank?

There’s always some danger when you cross a busy street, however, Olive Avenue may be the deadliest street for pedestrians in Burbank. Last night, a man was hit and killed at Olive Avenue near Naomi Street. The fatal accident reportedly happened around 10:15 p.m. The victim was in one of the eastbound lanes when he was struck by a car, […]