
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Photo Gallery: Getting charged up

Why wait at a gas station to pay those high pump prices? If you’ve got one of these Toyota Prius plug-ins,  like this Burbank resident over on Griffith Park Drive, you can charge up your wheels right in your own driveway. When the battery is fully charged, you can crank up your ride and run on electric power. Meanwhile, at […]
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Scott LaChasse named permanent Burbank Police Chief

Scott LaChasse, who has been the interim police chief in Burbank since January of 2010, got the job permanently today. In a press release this morning, Interim City Manager, Ken Pulskamp made the announcement. “Chief LaChasse came to Burbank to offer stability to the City’s police department,” says Pulskamp. “He has done that and more, proving to me that he’s […]
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

City Buzz: Voters have spoken, change comes to Burbank

2013 election results 2013 will be remembered as the year Burbank residents got fed up with the status quo, opened up those mail-in ballot packets from the City Clerk’s Office, and voted by the thousands for change in the Media City. Historic. Decisive. Profound. The meaning of the voters’ decision in both the primary and general elections will be felt […]
Monday, April 8, 2013

Strong winds blowing through the Media City

Strong winds whipped through Burbank today and are expected to continue through the evening. We have had wind gusts of up to 40 mph. There is a wind advisory in effect until tomorrow morning for most of the Southland. Temperatures reach only into the 60s in the Media City — but by mid-week we might be seeing some 80s.  
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Burbank on Parade highlights

A lot of floats, marching bands, dignitaries, horse units, and vintage cars in Burbank on Parade yesterday. For many of the kids getting splashed with water by the Bob Hope Airport fire truck will be remembered as a highlight of the parade. More highlights from Burbank on Parade to come…
Friday, April 5, 2013

Burbank on Parade tomorrow in the Media City

Preparations are in the final stages for tomorrow’s edition of Burbank on Parade. The huge community event is scheduled to roll down a section of West Olive Avenue, between Lincoln (or Keystone) and Lomita streets, beginning at 11 a.m. There will be celebs, marching bands, floats, dancers, clowns, equestrian units and much more. “Burbank on Parade is our city’s only […]
Friday, April 5, 2013

My ballot is in the mail, what about yours?

Earlier this week, I mailed off my ballot for the Burbank General Municipal Election at my local post office. Today is really the last day you should mail your ballot. You don’t want to miss the 7 p.m. Election Day deadline. Starting tomorrow, the best way to ensure that your ballot will get counted is to take it to one […]
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Big launch celebration for new website in Burbank

Burbank N Beyond is no more. Yesterday, it was replaced with a slick new content rich and community focused website called myburbank.com. A celebration of the launch drew a crowd of movers and shakers to the SmokeHouse over on West Lakeside in Burbank. Guests munched on yummy finger foods, which included the restaurant’s famous garlic bread and tasty meatballs. For those […]