
Monday, March 18, 2013

A Strong View: Stop runaway production

  If you are at all familiar with the motion picture industry no doubt you know about runaway production. Entertainment is big business here in Southern California and especially in Burbank. The major and independent studios probably do their best to employ locally. Yet, here in a time of economic deficiencies in the job market; the powers that be, whoever […]
Friday, March 15, 2013

Burbank Spring Egg-Stravaganza gets a calendar date

  It’s official. The revival of the Spring Egg-Stravaganza is on the city calendar and set for Saturday, March 30. A news released from city hall went out yesterday and there’s an announcement posted on the Burbank city website. Here’s the release from PIO Drew Sugars.   Spring Egg-Stravaganza Returns to Burbank   BURBANK, Calif. (March 14, 2013) – Dust […]
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

City Buzz: Spring Egg-Stravaganza gets a reprieve and the Burbank election revamp

Spring Egg-Stravaganza back on!   It’s not too often this Burbank City Council ignores the advice of a city department head — but it happened at last night’s council meeting during the discussion of the Spring Egg-Stravaganza. The event has been hotly debated since it got scrapped last year by the heartless staffers in the Park, Recreation and Community Services […]
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Twinkies are coming back!

There was an uproar when Hostess filed for bankruptcy last November, ending the production of some our favorite sweets likeTwinkies. Now there’s a good chance those golden sponge cakes with the cream filling, will be back on store shelves in Burbank and elsewhere in a few months. The reason: the successful bid of $410 million offered by private equity firms […]
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Photo Gallery: Changes at the former NBC Studios lot

Have you noticed, the NBC signs and its legendary peacock logo are disappearing from the  Burbank site at Alameda and Olive Avenues? The replacement, signage for The Burbank Studios. Worthe Real Estate Group bought the historic 34-acre lot in 2008,  for an undisclosed price.  The real estate developer has big, big plans for the lot. Check out the developer’s website for […]
Monday, March 11, 2013

Flashback to the BCC 80th anniversary bash

A big turnout for the 80th anniversary luncheon/celebration for the Burbank Coordinating Council on Monday, March 4, 2013. As a member, I joined many of the BCC faithful in attending this bash along with invited guests, volunteers from various non-profits, community leaders and activists. Also there, some of the Burbank city staff and officials, including Vice-Mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy. On hand […]
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring forward on a Sunday in March

The good news — it’s going to be a warm, gorgeous spring like day in March for the Media City. On the flip side, thanks to Daylight Saving Time, Burbankers, and most folks living in the U.S., lost an hour of sleep — when the clocks were turned ahead an hour at 2 a.m.  However, you get it back in […]
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Updated: Burbank on Parade needs volunteers

Burbank on Parade, that all volunteer, action-packed, annual community event, is preparing to roll down West Olive Avenue on Saturday April 6, 2013. However, there is still a lot of work to be done. Right now, there’s a critical need for volunteers, especially those with the skills to help build the floats. That means painters, carpenters, and artists. “We need […]
Friday, March 8, 2013

A Strong View: Fighting for respect from city hall

Recently, I was listening to one of the Burbank council meetings. A gentleman speaking on behalf of his neighbors asked for help with an ongoing problem of parking on their street. Some neighbors have driveways and others do not. This dilemma has some neighbors overlapping other folks’ driveways in order to park and is causing problems for city trash pick […]