
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Letter to the Editor: A tribute to Mickey DePalo

A heartfelt farewell to Mickey DePalo. Burbank will miss Mickey and we will never forget him.  While change is a part of life, saying farewell isn’t easy, especially if that someone is Mickey DePalo.  Mickey is a good man;  our dear Vietnam War veteran, our hero and he is my friend.   It has been my honor to have met Mickey, he is […]
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Letter to the Editor: Burbank update from Councilmember Nick Schultz

Just over 100 days ago, I took my oath of office and was sworn in as your City Councilmember.  While there has been much to learn in my short time on the City Council, I feel increasingly optimistic that our community is well-positioned to build back strong from this unprecedented public health and economic crisis. As a candidate, I advocated […]
Monday, March 15, 2021

Letter to the Editor: Thank you Burbank from Mayor Bob Frutos

Dear Burbank Residents and Business Owners: I am writing today to thank all business owners and residents for  doing your part to keep the City of Burbank on the path to recovery.   Thank you for complying with the LA County COVID-19 safety requirements.  As restaurants and businesses will now be allowed to re-open with less restrictions, together we will get through the end of […]
Saturday, January 2, 2021

A special new year message from Burbank Council member Nick Schultz

Letter to the Editor: Happy New Year Burbank!  I know it goes without saying, but 2020 was a very difficult year for our community.  However, today we have awoken to a bright new day.  A new year brings with it a fresh start and new opportunities.  While we will continue to face many of the same challenges that were before […]
Saturday, December 12, 2020

Final results for Burbank Gen Municipal Election 2020

The final results for the Burbank General Municipal Election 2020 are in. The County of Los Angeles certified the election on November 30. Meanwhile, the City of Burbank did so last Tuesday, November 8. The winners did not change since the release of the early tallies shortly after the election. However, the number of Burbank ballots rose to an incredible […]
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Holiday best wishes from Burbank Councilman/Vice Mayor Bob Frutos

With the holiday season here, I would like to take a moment to wish each of you best wishes for you and your families through the holidays.    This holiday season is going to be unlike anything most of us have ever experience. For most of us, that translates into a Thanksgiving Day celebration that is … different. Our community […]
Friday, November 13, 2020

Big turnout nets surprises in Burbank Gen. Election 2020

Burbank voters cast their ballots for local candidates and Measure RC in big numbers in the General Municipal Election on November 3. As of October 19, 2020, 73, 044 Burbank residents were registered to vote. So far, around 58,000 Burbank ballots have been processed. However, The ballots are still being counted by The Los Angeles County Registrar/County Clerk, but the […]
Monday, October 26, 2020

Three seats for the Burbank school board on the ballot

Three incumbents on the Burbank Board of Education are facing a tough challenger in the November General Election. There are three school board seats up for election on the Burbank ballot. Running for re-election are Dr. Armond Aghakhanian, Steve Ferguson, and Roberta Reynolds. The challenger is an experienced middle school teacher with a doctorate in education, Emily Weisberg. In a […]
Monday, October 26, 2020

Three contenders vying for Burbank Treasurer

Current Burbank City Treasurer, Krystle Palmer, is facing two challengers in the November General Municipal Election. The Burbank City Council appointed Palmer as treasurer back in August 2019. Palmer took over for Debbie Kukta who left to become the assistant superintendent of administrative services for the Burbank Unified School District. The candidates are competing to see who will finish out […]