Thursday, October 11, 2012
Just before 2 p.m this afternoon, the first fall storm of the season rolled into Burbank with heavy rain, flashes of lightning, and crackling thunder. The high today only in the 60s. For the past few days, rain has been in the forecast and the skies were filled with dark threatening clouds this morning– still some were caught without umbrellas […]
Sunday, October 7, 2012
The leaves are falling, the temperature has dropped, and there’s a chance of drizzle tonight. Ah, finally it feels like fall. Today it will be sunny and mild in the Media City with a high somewhere between 75 and 80 degrees. Low clouds and fog rolling in this evening with drizzle in the forecast for the late hours and tomorrow […]
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Burbank police investigators now have the identity of the man whose body was found on the I-5 freeway off ramp at Scott Road in Burbank yesterday. This afternoon, Burbank PIO, Sergeant Darin Ryburn ,sent out a news release identifying the victim as Lee Clifford Morris a 55-year-old Alaska Airlines pilot from Richland, Washington. Morris was reportedly “…on a scheduled layover […]
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
IN OUR OPINION We have lived in Burbank for many years. It’s a shame our city council members, minus Dr. David Gordon, are “JOYRIDING” their way into city debt. Borrowing and spending for much we do not need. All at the expense of this community. Many, who do not VOTE, should, especially in this next election. If we allow the […]
Monday, October 1, 2012
The month of October kicked off with extreme heat in Burbank. The Media City fried with triple digits — reaching a blistering 106 degrees today. At 5 p.m. this evening it was still 102! The rest of the Southland is suffering from this heat wave as well. The dry, hot heat has increased the fire danger, too. A gradual cooling trend […]
Sunday, September 30, 2012
A sizzling Sunday in the Southland and according to the forecast it’s just the first of some seriously hot days. The high is expected to reach at least 99 today in Burbank with triple digits predicted through Thursday here. Yeah, the calendar says it’s fall — but apparently summer is still clinging to the Southland. Get out the sunglasses […]
Friday, September 28, 2012
I don’t know a delicate way to put this so I’ll just bottom line it and ask, “… what the blank is going on at Burbank City Hall?” Lately, a lot of the decisions and actions by city officials have been very confusing or down right weird. Let’s start with City Manager Mike Flad. On his way out the […]
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Outgoing Burbank City Manager Mike Flad has put the brakes on the search for a permanent police chief. A news release about the decision was sent out late this afternoon from Public Information Officer Drew Sugars. A lot of changes at City Hall lately and many of them strange and confusing, however, this move makes plenty of sense. Here’s the […]
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Terrific photos of the historic flyovers of the the Southland by Endeavour, while perched atop a huge 747, still coming into Media City Groove. Here are some of the images captured by frequent contributor/freelance photographer, Terje “Terry” Canavarro. Terry took his camera to the top of Burbank Peak, also known as “The Wisdom Tree” to see Endeavour’s flyby. He says […]