
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Burbank to participate in National Night Out event

The 29th annual National Night Out kicks off from coast to coast tonight. Burbank will take part in this crime and drug prevention event. This is how a Burbank Police news release described it: “National Night Out is a nationwide, one-night rally, where citizens and law enforcement join forces to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships. Last year, over 1,100 […]
Friday, August 3, 2012

“CSI: Las Vegas” shooting in Burbank

Police yellow tape and crime scene investigators at Frank’s Restaurant on West Olive Avenue here in Burbank today. There were criminalists on the scene, but not from any local law enforcement agency. It’s part of the filming of an episode of the long running TV crime drama, “CSI: Las Vegas.” The shoot began on Thursday and is expected to wrap […]
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Body of missing FBI agent found in Burbank area

The more than two month search for missing FBI agent Stephen Ivens reportedly has ended tragically in the Burbank area. Ivens’ family has held onto hope that he might still be alive even though he was last seen on May 10, 2012. The FBI and a number of local agencies, including Burbank Police, were involved in the intense search for […]
Friday, July 27, 2012

Huge classic car show in Downtown Burbank on Saturday

All sorts of hot rides, from vintage to sporty to exotic, will be taking center stage tomorrow at the Downtown Burbank Car Classic in a six block stretch of San Fernando Boulevard. Some of the 200 prized vehicles on display have movie or TV credits such as “… the V8 Ford Mustang fastback driven by Steve McQueen in the 1968 film […]
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Taking the oath of office

Burbank’s new city clerk and city treasurer are on the job after being sworn into office during last Tuesday’s city council meeting by Deputy City Clerk Susan Domen. City Clerk Zizette Mullins and City Treasurer Debbie Kukta were appointed by the city council during a special meeting last month. Mullins and Kukta will “… serve the final ten months of their […]
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Judge hands down stiff sentence to killer of a Burbank police officer

A collective sigh of relief in B-town today after the killer of Burbank Police Officer, Matthew Pavelka, was sentenced to life in prison, without the possibility of parole, as part of a plea bargain to avoid the death penalty. This morning during a hearing, 28-year-old David Garcia reportedly pleaded guilty to first degree murder in the shooting death of Officer […]
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Coyote warning in Burbank

Watch out for coyotes, especially if you live in or near the hillside area of Burbank. A community bulletin sent out by the city today and posted on its website, reminds folks that during the warm weather months — coyotes will venture down from the Verdugo Mountains into some of the local neighborhoods. They may be pests sometimes, but coyotes […]
Friday, July 20, 2012

AMC theatres stepping up security and banning costumes in the wake of Colorado shooting

Like many movie complexes across the nation today, the AMC theatres in Burbank have boosted the level of security. By the way, if  you’re planning on going to an AMC screening this weekend of “The Dark Knight Rises,” don’t wear a costume. The AMC has banned the wearing of costumes by moviegoers. The details are in this statement put out […]
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Burbank begins search for a new permanent police chief

  The search is on for a new permanent police chief in the city of Burbank. The announcement was made this morning in a press release, in which Interim Police Chief, Scott LaChasse, received generous praise from City Manager, Mike Flad: “… Chief LaChasse did an incredible job stabilizing a department in crisis.” Scott LaChasse came aboard as interim police […]