Thursday, December 15, 2011
A sudden thunderstorm rolled into Burbank around 3:30 p.m. this afternoon. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, and the rain came down hard. And I though we’d get away without much rain today. Not only will you need that umbrella — some areas might need some of those freebie sandbags from the city of Burbank. Be careful out there.
Monday, December 12, 2011
It’s a rainy Monday in Burbank and more showers, with the possibility of some hail, in the forecast through the evening and tonight. Also, this is a cold storm with the high in B-town only expected to reach into the 50s. And there’s a chance of another wet system later on in the week. All this stormy weather prompted Burbank officials to put out an […]
Friday, December 9, 2011
New play opening in Burbank A live theater production of the Christmas play, “Table of the Heart,” is set to open tomorrow, December 10, at the Media City Church 269 East Providencia Avenue in the Media City. The production is written and directed by Tatum Shank. The play tells the story of the tragedy and triumph of the Carmichael family who […]
Thursday, December 8, 2011
New operator for Burbank Recycle Center After heated debate at its meeting Tuesday, December 6, the Burbank City Council voted to assign the operating agreement for the controversial Burbank Recycle Center to Burrtec Waste Industries. The vote was 4-1 with Councilman, Dr. David Gordon, strongly opposing the arrangement. The operation of the Burbank Recycle Center has been under scrutiny for some time and most recently […]
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The final numbers are in! Burbank YMCA’s Thanksgiving Turkey Trot event, on November 24, 2011, was a huge runaway success, according to officials. Here’s the news release with details, sent out yesterday by Burbank Y’s Susan Sebastian. The Burbank Community YMCA Turkey Trot Has a Fast Start (Burbank, CA, December) – The second annual Burbank Community YMCA Turkey Trot took place on Thanksgiving morning. […]
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The giant retailer, Target, has a deal with “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and it could mean thousands for some lucky schools. Target has earmarked $5 million in grants for a slew of elementary and secondary schools recommended by the viewers of the weekly talk/variety show. Viewers will be required to submit their recommendations through the “Ellen” website and give a “compelling” reason why their school deserves one […]
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Some really strong winds are causing havoc in Burbank and throughout the Southland this evening. The winds are ripping through the trees, tumbling leaves and debris through streets, yards, and parking lots. At the Trader Joe’s market on Alameda Avenue this evening, shoppers could be seen holding tightly to their grocery bags as they hurried home or to their vehicles. There’s […]
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Funeral services will be held this Saturday, December 3, at Forest Lawn Glendale for long time Burbank community volunteer, Dan Linegar, according to a press release put out today by the Burbank Temporary Aid Center. Linegar passed away last Sunday. Linegar was a long time BTAC volunteer and Board of Directors member, as well as the founder of the successful […]
Monday, November 28, 2011
The reboot of local news, video, and features website, is out to shake up the Media City and grab a bigger chunk of the online audience. There is probably more Burbank news, sports, and events on BurbanknBeyond than any other website. Now B-and-B is even better. The new look of Burbanknbeyond debuted a few weeks ago with numerous upgrades, better organization of […]