
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Burbank, Walmart, and Black Friday violence

 Burbank is getting a Walmart with dirt cheap prices, questionable labor practices, and the retailer’s notorious Black Friday culture. Last month at the Empire Center, the future home of Burbank’s Walmart, the giant retailer held a promotional event boasting about the benefits its store will bring to the community. However, Burbank residents must realize that the retailer’s massive advertising campaigns, concerned mainly with profits, are going […]
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

City Buzz

More car thefts and burglaries in Burbank In the latest crime report from Burbank Police Officer Joshua Kendrick, only a handful of residential and business burglaries are listed for the past couple of weeks, the bad news — a lot of vehicle thefts and break-ins. The report, released yesterday, mentioned some 21 vehicle crimes — all happened between November 11 and 21, 2011. During that time, thieves […]
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rain, wind, and cooold temps in Burbank

UPDATED: 3:30 p.m. A slow moving storm is dumping a lot of rain on Burbank this afternoon. I was out driving through town and had to maneuver through some ponding water at several intersections. The forecast is for more rain and even some thunderstorms this evening –so drive with special care. **** Some overcast and threatening skies over Burbank this morning.  […]
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Smart meter controversy returns to the Burbank City Council

Coming off a successful public forum in Glendale, local smart meter opponents are turning their attention to tonight’s Burbank City Council meeting. Last Thursday, the Southern California Smart Meter Public Forum at the Glendale Moose Lodge drew 175-200 people, according to one of the organizers and Burbank resident, Kiku Lani Iwata. Also, Iwata is a member of  Burbank Action,  a group that […]
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mountain lion spotted prowling in Burbank

Burbank police are confirming today that it was indeed a mountain lion that took a stroll through a property in the hillside area yesterday afternoon. A resident in the 1200 block of Verdugo Spring lane told police a big cat boldly walked up the front driveway “… around the house, and into the back yard.”  The cat disappeared up a […]
Friday, November 4, 2011

A cold storm system rolls through the Southland

Brrr!  A very cold system swooped down on the Southland today dropping temperatures and producing thunderstorms. There were moments of sunshine, but mostly dark cloudy skies and frigid rain were the order of the day. Burbankers and other Southlanders had to pull out the coats, jackets and umbrellas to deal with the weather.  The high reach only the low 60s in […]
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Smart Meter Public Forum coming up

Some Burbank residents are stepping up their battle against the controversial smart meters, which are designed to relay usage data to a utility center.  They call themselves “Burbank Action.” There is growing concern about charges the smart meters invade the privacy of residents, cause illnesses, and result in higher utility rates. The California Public Utilities Commission is looking into the issue. Burbank Action is one of several groups […]
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Volunteers plant a community garden in Burbank

Volunteers used people power and creativity to get a new community garden planted in Burbank yesterday.  The garden is the love project of Principal Chris Krohn and her students at Burbank Community Day School at 223 East Santa Anita Avenue. The students, grades 7 – 12, are at risk kids looking for a second chance. Krohn says it all started last year […]