Thursday, September 15, 2011
It has been rumored about for weeks now. Then, late today the official announcement came from Burbank City Hall in the form of a news release — naming the replacement for retiring Burbank City Attorney, Dennis Barlow. She is Amy Albano who is now the city attorney out in Thousand Oaks. Next Tuesday, the city council will consider appointing Albano to […]
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
For a lot of writers getting an agent is harder than the writing. Media City Groove Guest Blogger, Sue Ann Jaffarian, has leaped that hurdle to become a best-selling author of three mystery series. Jaffarian, a paralegal for a Los Angeles firm, started off in self-publishing, and along her writer’s journey picked up a thing or two about making that agent hook-up. […]
Friday, September 9, 2011
There was a time in the garden business that I couldn’t give away mole ( gopher) repellents. As of the last two years, I can’t keep it in stock! My theory is because of the limited rainfall, we have been inundated with moles and gophers. They are coming down from the hills. Here’s the deal. With gophers, you will have the […]
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Fans and air conditioners were going full blast all over Burbank today. The mercury soar to a blazing 100 degrees. The high humid — over 50 percent at times — made going outside difficult to bear. We’re used to dry heat — not the sticky humid conditions we had today. More of the same ahead, at least through tomorrow. Due to the […]
Monday, September 5, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Okay, we’re not seeing self-serve regular for $2 a gallon — but under $4 a gallon is still a good buy. A short while ago, regular gasoline at the pump appeared to be headed for the $5 a gallon mark. The national average for regular today is $3.6, according to triple A. However, on Labor Day weekend last year the average price was $2.6 […]
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Burbank Police sent out a community alert today about a second reported mountain lion sighting in less than a month in the Media City. The first occurred back on August 4, near Kenneth Road and Brown Drive. The second sighting late yesterday, was once again in the hillside area — this time, residents reported seeing the wild cat in the […]
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I noticed it soon after the big party of the century to celebrate Burbank’s centennial back on July 8. Whenever I took my colorful Burbank centennial reusable bag out in public — someone would comment on it. “What a cool bag!” is what a checker at the Trader Joe’s on East Alameda Avenue in Burbank said as she carefully arranged my groceries […]