
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Weather change: Drizzle, cloudy skies, and cool temps

Don’t expect a sunny and warm Mother’s Day in Media City. The forecast is calling for drizzle, patchy clouds, and fog late tonight with more of the same dreary weather on Sunday. There’s a 20 percent change of rain, so it might be a good idea to take along an umbrella to those Mother’s Day events. The high is expected to be around […]
Friday, May 6, 2011

Burbank Police issue a Chandler Bike Path warning

Late today, Burbank Police issued a warning about a predator who’s stalking women on the Chandler Bike Path. The suspect targets women — walking or jogging — during the morning hours on that path, which is a popular place for exercise enthuses.  There have been three separate incidents of women being accosted by the suspect in the past month, according […]
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The recount: Second recount request withdrawn

Another major setback for the recount supporters. Late yesterday, Judy Alter of the election watchdog group, Protect California Ballots, notified Burbank City Clerk, Margarita Campos, that the second recount request for the city council run-off of April 12, 2011 was being withdrawn. If you’re keeping score, that’s two wins for the city insiders and zip for the concerned citizens of Burbank […]
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunny and hot in the Media City today

UPDATE:  At 11 a.m. it was 82 in Burbank. Get out the sunglasses. It’s going to be sunny and hot in B-town. Yesterday, the thermometer reached 86. Today it could soar to 90!  The winds should die down and the skies will be clear.  A hot Tuesday in May. A hint of what’s coming in the summer.
Monday, May 2, 2011

The recount: The City Clerk’s denial and a second recount request

The Burbank City Council’s big reorganization meeting is set for this morning at 10 a.m. Last Tuesday, at the city council meeting there was a showdown over the recount request for  the April 12 city council run-off election. The city won the major and decisive points in this showdown.  Meanwhile, as preparations move ahead for the swearing-in of re-elected Council Member Gary Bric and […]
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Burbank City Clerk corrects mistake in election numbers

Folks have been talking about the odd anomaly in the final results for the Burbank General Election since those numbers were released on Friday, April 15, 2011. The 95 vote difference between the city council contenders, Emily Gabel-Luddy and Bob Frutos,  got most of the attention, however, some have been curious about the sudden increase of more than 450 votes for “Yes” on Measure U. Burbank […]
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The recount: My rejection letter from the Burbank City Clerk

A postal carrier knocked on my door yesterday. The reason: I needed to sign for a certified letter from the Burbank City Clerk’s Office. The letter is the official rejection  of my offer to replace Burbank resident George Marciniw in the recount request process. Here’s the letter.   April 26, 2011 Fronnie Lewis XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Dear Ms. Lewis, This communication is in […]
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My letter to the Burbank City Clerk offering to join the recount request

Thursday, April 21, 2011 was full of surprises.  Suddenly, Burbank resident George Marciniw made a run for the hills; just a day after filing a labor intensive and all important recount request with the election watchdog group, Protect California Ballots, at the City Clerk’s Office. The organization’s founder, Judy Alter, remained true to the cause of reviewing the entire city council […]
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The recount drama: George Marciniw’s letter

A lot of developments in the recount drama surrounding the Burbank city council run-off of 2011. First, I think it is important to post here George Marciniw’s personal withdrawal letter from the recount process. The April 21 letter has been debated and probably will continue to produce heated discussion all over B-town for a long time. Thursday, April 21, 2011 The […]