
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Another Mega Millions rollover & a Burbank player wins a lottery prize

A Fantasy 5 lottery ticket bought in Burbank hit the jackpot! That ticket was purchased  for yesterday’s game at Tip Top Liquor & Jr. Market, 2501 West Victory Boulevard.  The ticket is worth  $295,490. The winning numbers are  20, 39, 19, 1, and  17.       In the Fantasy 5 game, the jackpot starts at $50,000 and goes up from there […]
Monday, September 6, 2010

City Buzz

Burbank Mayor Anja Reinke’s daughter drama The Burbank City Council is dark tomorrow. That should give Council Member/Mayor, Anja Reinke, some extra time to deal with a personal matter that has serious public ramifications. Last Thursday, the popular Semichorus blog was the first to nail down some details on the DUI arrest of Mayor Reinke’s daughter, Ericka Reinke, who happens to be a […]
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hot Labor Day Holiday Weekend!

The heat is on in the Media City. The temperature hit a sweltering 100 this afternoon. I spent some time running Saturday errands and getting the car washed today. I did not linger. As quickly as possible, I was back inside the house with the air conditioning blasting and the fan blowing.  At 5 p.m., Burbank still baking in 90 degree temps. The forecast […]
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weather switcheroo brings cooler temps

What a difference a few days can make.  This time last week, temperatures were rising along with the humidity here in Media City and throughout SoCal. Triple digits are normal for the Southland in August, but we’ve had such a mild summer that last week’s heat wave was a shock to the system. It was delight to be greeted by a cool breeze […]
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Heat warnings, precautions, and triple digit temps in the Southland

The heat is on in the Southland. At 9 p.m. last night,  it was 80 degrees in Burbank.  It’s going to be seriously hot today, with 80s along the beach, upper 90s in Los Angeles, and over a 100 in Burbank and some valley areas. There’s a good chance we could see some temperature records broken today. The National Weather Service […]
Monday, August 23, 2010

A Burbank parent shares her experience with the system

The new school year is only about a week old , but it already has been an ordeal for some Burbank middle school students and their parents. As I first reported on this blog about a week ago, A Burbank city funded, long-running,  and very successful after school program was axed at David Starr Jordan Middle School, leaving some parents scrambling to find a […]
Sunday, August 22, 2010

City Buzz

A full house at the public forum After all the hoopla, debates, agenda re-writes, and months of delays, the first public forum held by the Burbank Police Commission in recent memory went off with only a few minor glitches. First, additional chairs had to be brought out to accommodate the crowd that showed up last Wednesday night, August 18, in the Community […]
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Photo Gallery: National Night Out in Burbank

Burbank celebrated National Night Out with around 20 block parties throughout the city earlier this month  on August 3. The nationwide event encourages neighborhood spirit and a strong partnership between the community and police in the fight against crime. A block party on Verdugo Avenue Major block party on East Verdugo Avenue in the hillside area of Burbank attracted more than a […]
Friday, August 20, 2010

A hot weekend ahead

We’re finally getting a taste of summer. Temperatures have been in the 80s and 90s all week long. More of the same is being forecast for Burbank this weekend. It might be a good time to make that dash to the beach where it’s going to be a sizzler, too. Over the next couple of days or so, Santa Monica and Venice will reportedly be […]