
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Photo Gallery: Hot summer-like weather heats up the Southland

Photo: FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove – Burbank Get out those shorts and tee shirts; we’re getting a preview of summer. Today the temperatures climbed into the mid-80s in Burbank. Tomorrow the high is expected to leap 10 degrees to 95, maybe even into triple digits!  Weather forecasters say this blast of summer could linger for a few days.  So for workout warriors who like to exercise outside in […]
Saturday, April 18, 2009

State Assemblyman Paul Krekorian campaigns for the upcoming special election

The Burbank Democratic Club threw a backyard BBQ bash with great eats and brew in a neighborhood near the Rancho District, last night. I’m a member and I joined 50 or so other folks for a fun club meeting and social gathering. However, there was a serious message about the state’s budget woes presented by local Assemblyman Paul Krekorian (D) 43rd District. Krekorian had the […]
Friday, April 17, 2009

New dialing rules take effect tomorrow in the 818 area code

No matter what type of phone you have, retro or high tech or somewhere in between, you’ll have to practice a new dialing procedure starting tomorrow, if you live in the land of the 818 area code, the San Fernando Valley. On Saturday, April 18, callers in that valley will have to dial a 1 plus the 10 digit number. Sigh, just […]
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Burbank Town Center’s management firm files for bankruptcy

Photo: FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove More bad economic news. Today General Growth Properties, the second largest mall owner in the country, declared bankruptcy. It’s considered the largest real estate failure in U.S. history. General Growth Properties and 158 of its U.S. malls filed for protection under chapter 11. The Burbank Town Center is listed on GGP’s website as one of the properties […]
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A close finish in the Burbank City Council race

  Photo: FLLewis/A Writers Groove I dropped by Burbank City Hall last night to see the returns come in for the General Municipal Election. The only names on the ballot were the six candidates running for three seats on the powerful Burbank City Council. Around 10 p.m. when the numbers were in for all of the city’s 42 precincts and the winners elected, I felt like I’d just watched […]
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Burbank City Council race down to the wire

Photos: FLLewis/A Writers Groove The heated Burbank City Council race is headed for the finish line with the election this Tuesday, April 14. The campaign mailings have slowed down to a trickle. Still, the last minute push is underway for those voters who have not mailed or dropped off their ballots yet. Six candidates are spending thousands of dollars in hopes of collecting enough votes to […]
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Movie ticket sales soar during the recession

FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove  — Burbank  If you haven’t caught a flick at a movie theater recently, then you are one of the few. While other industries are being slammed by the recession, the Hollywood Box Office is being stoked by it. In an article over on the Variety website, Motion Picture Association of America Chairman/CEO Dan Glickman explained: “Movies have become an […]
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Burbank City Council race heats up

FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove The candidates running for three Burbank City Council seats are cranking up their campaigns for the final push to election day, April 14. Last Monday, all six candidates appeared at a forum in Burbank’s Magnolia Park area. If you missed the forum, the Burbank Leader has profiles of all six council contenders in this weekend’s edition of the newspaper and on […]